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Regulaciones a "Translations"


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Comienzo por informar que soy nuevo aquí. Estoy interesado en hacer Traducciones al Español a partir de Subs en Inglés aquí en Addic7ed. Pero me encuentro con algunas acotaciones las cuales no tengo claro que significan. Me refiero a estas dos citas:


- For translations purposes - TRANSLATORS: Translate the hardcoded lines marked (_) or you'll be banned

Me podrían indicar cuales son las restricciones de estas Notas? Se refieren sólo a Traducciones para ser colocadas en este Foro? Qué es "harcoded lines marked (_)? Puedo traducir esos Subs y colocar las Traducciones en otro Foro sin ninguna restricción?

Mucho agradecería cualquier comentario al respecto.


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Hola, @ringo1938

Sorry if my reply is in English, but though I manage to understand Spanish, express myself in it is another story :)



Means that versions with this note mustn't be used to start an online translation. Ever.


"TRANSLATORS: Please translate the hardcoded lines marked with ( _ ), or you'll get banned!"

Means that underscores "_" have been added by the syncer when there is hardcoded text on the video (foreign dialogues, texts, etc...).

So that translators can translate them when doing an online translation on Addic7ed.


Not sure what you mean about the forum. Translations are done through the Addic7ed interface.

So, if you're willing to translate online, avoid versions marked as "NOT FOR TRANSLATIONS".

Any translations started on such versions will be deleted without prior notice.

When not specified, assume the version is fit for online translations.

Maybe have a look at this before starting:



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@kinglouisxx So, as I undersatand, the restriction is for Online Translations to be used directly as Subtitles but I can make my own Subtitle (i.e: in Spanish) translating the posted version in english, cant'I?. 

Just an additional comment; If the Rules specifically prohibit Online Translations, why adding the note. "Not For Translation"?  Is there the possibility of Online Translations in here?


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3 hours ago, ringo1938 said:

@kinglouisxx So, as I undersatand, the restriction is for Online Translations to be used directly as Subtitles but I can make my own Subtitle (i.e: in Spanish) translating the posted version in english, cant'I?. 

Just an additional comment; If the Rules specifically prohibit Online Translations, why adding the note. "Not For Translation"?  Is there the possibility of Online Translations in here?


Online translations are not prohibited. On the contrary, it is one of the features that Addic7ed offers.

What is "prohibited" is to translate on versions marked as "NOT FOR TRANSLATIONS".

Which is logic, since it specifically says that it's not for translations.

But when there's such a version for an episode, there is also a version for translations.

That's the one with the note "TRANSLATORS: Please translate the hardcoded lines marked with ( _ ), or you'll get banned!"

But sure, you can also translate offline and upload it once you've done translating it.

To start an online translation, you need to click on "New translation" next to the name of the version, on the page of the episode you're willing to translate. Simple as that.

Then you select your language in the dropdown menu.



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@kinglouisxx; Thanks for your information so far. I've got an additional doubt (hope to be the last one) which I've attached graphically. 

I'm very sorry for all these concerns but, as a newbie I just wanted to be clear on certain items. I hope you'd understand.



Addi7ed Image.jpg

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Just now, ringo1938 said:

Addi7ed Image.jpg

If you're translating into Spanish and the dialogue in the episode is also in Spanish, then no need to translate those lines.

Unless there's a specific accent or something and you see fit subbing it. I'll let you be the judge of that.

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