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Hello I'm Dante_Devil


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Hi !

I have been a member of the main website since ages and I've just discovered the forum ! 

Better late than never, they say...


Here are french subtitles for My Brilliant Friend season 2 that I want to share with the community.


Have a great day :)


Edited by Dante_Devil
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il y a 1 heure, chamallow a dit :

Welcome Dante.

As for the subs, you can upload them yourself. Please read the FAQ beforehand:


Thank you !


Yes, but as I said, I can't do it myself.


The FAQ says this : "RAPPEL : Vous ne pouvez pas créer un épisode pour les séries dont nous nous occupons. Cela veut dire que si vous essayez, la série sera grisée et non sélectionnable dans le menu déroulant. Vous devrez attendre que nous fournissions les sous-titres anglais et que nous ayons créé l'épisode. Essayer de contourner notre système résultera en un ban !"

The show "My Brilliant Friend" already exists and the uploaders are team members only. However I didn't see french subtitles so I decided to offer mine.


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As the FAQ says, if the episodes exist, and I imagine what you want to upload is for existing episodes, then anyone can upload new versions/languages on that page.


Got questions? Read our FAQ. Wanna support me? Check my Tipee.


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