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Thanks for taking the time to do that, @Shely85.

Line breaks for sentences under 40 char. could be removed. Can easily be done with Subtitle Edit.

But more importantly, dialogue dashes would need to be added.  I mean for the subs to be uploaded on the site.

But that's a good start. And I'm sure they'll still be useful to many :)

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I have removed the line breaks for sentences less than 40 characters and added the dialog dashes.
Surely they won't be perfect and maybe a little something will have escaped me. I also don't know how to behave with long sentences, especially in dialogues :unsure2:

However, for the next episode, I will still be here to ask for subtitles:)


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Great job, @Shely85!

For long lines in a dialogue, such as below, you'd need to split them and adjust the timings. The "split line" tool isn't always spot on, so adjustments may be needed.



This would become something like this:

The waveform is a useful tool, allows you to have a more accurate result.

Otherwise, generally speaking, the recomended maximum length for a line is 40 char.


You'll find all about our annoying but full of sense rules here:

D. Is there rules to follow regarding how subtitles should be?

Yes, there are. We don't accept raw subtitles on our site, which means that if subtitles have no corrections at all, we will delete them.
They must be:


- in capitalized case (names ought to be capitalized, no capitalization after commas or at the beginning of each new sequence...)

- they don't contain long lines. Try to split them in half if they go over 40 characters. It's easier to read and doable in a few seconds with softwares like Subtitle Workshop, Subtitle Edit, Aegisub… No need to split them in half if they're below 40 characters per line. Valid for non dialogue lines mainly.


Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying to hold the regime in Khartoum

change it to:

Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying
to hold the regime in Khartoum


- split sequences with long lines. Make it two lines on one sequence instead of a very long one.

- no more than 2 lines per sequence for non dialogue lines. Same as above, split them so it's modified to 2 lines per sequence:


Sequence 1

In the meantime,
we're trying to hold the regime
in Khartoum

change it to:

Sequence 1

In the meantime, we're trying
to hold the regime in Khartoum


- no 3 speakers per sequence. ONLY two maximum.

- no dash on a line that isn't a dialogue. Example of what NOT to do:

In order to tick the box "corrected" for your subtitles, in addition to the above specificities, it must contain all the dialogue dashes as well. One dash per line! If it doesn't fit, then your lines are too long.


- Text A

- Text B

And if you have dialogues that are very unequal, find a way to adjust them. Don't put a speaker with just one word, and the second speaker with a 50 character-sentence. It's common sense.

No super long lines on sequences. If sequences go over 70 characters, find a way to resync them. The longer they are, the harder it is to read.

Most of the above can be done easily with Subtitle Edit (Fix Errors is one of the way), and it's quick, so there's no excuses. You're responsible for the content YOU upload.

You can resync our subtitles to fit other versions. However, never modify them, alter them (unless there's text errors, missing dashes...). Keep the credits intact. You can add a line for your resync credit. In the comments box of your upload, you can add a line to indicate you resynced it from X version. When uploading them, keep the same properties. If they're corrected/HD/HI, tick the appropriate boxes. See explanation below for the icons.

Colored subtitles are allowed ONLY if you provide a non-colored version. They must be named "VERSION.Colored" to be differentiated by the system when downloading them.


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Thanks so much.:blush:
Thanks to you for your time and tips. I set the long lines thanks to the split line and waveform (a very useful tool that I didn't know).


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Thanks for correcting, @Shely85.

I uploaded the subs on the site, with your username of course.

I tweaked a couple things. One overlong sequence with 83 char. in total that I splitted in two and a few lines under 40 char. that slipped through the net.

Maybe you did but you can use "fix common errors" in the "tools" menu. Super quick to do with that.

And you'll find a bunch of other useful tools too.

Just one other thing, it's best to have the same username on both Addic7ed & Sub-Talk since they're not interdependent.

So if you could change your username here it would be great.

Thanks again for your work on this, sherlockata :)

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Thank you very much for the corrections and useful tips.

Username changed 

P.S.: For the subtitles of the next episodes, I always ask here, right? In case they are not already available of course.

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Username changed 

​Great :)

For the next episodes, I always ask here, right? In case they are not already available of course.

​Yes, you can. We'll gladly provide them if needed.

And then it's up to you if you want to correct them like this week or not. Don't feel obligated because you did it this time.

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​Great :)

​Yes, you can. We'll gladly provide them if needed.

And then it's up to you if you want to correct them like this week or not. Don't feel obligated because you did it this time.

​Perfect and time permitting I'll be happy to.

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