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Quick Search is garbage : please integrate vue


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I think a far better way to update the search, would be to remove the word "The,"  from the front of titles, and put it at the end. ie "The X Files" would be renamed to "X Files The."

Far too many shows begin with "The."  So when searching manually, you find yourself wading through loads of titles, that all start with "The." 

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I think a far better way to update the search, would be to remove the word "The,"  from the front of titles, and put it at the end. ie "The X Files" would be renamed to "X Files The."

Far too many shows begin with "The."  So when searching manually, you find yourself wading through loads of titles, that all start with "The." 

​but this vue select library allows you to write any word you want, even part of the world, to get your instant result, you can click on and then it would guide you to subs.

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