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Releases vocabulary


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PROPER: Due to scene rules, whoever releases a certain release the first has won that race. For example, when a group releases the CAM version of Titanic the first. If there is something "wrong" with the release (poor quality, out-of-sync, audio errors etc.) and another group has a better/correct version, it can release it and add PROPER to the release title to avoid being nuked. However, the source must be the same as the original release. For example: A poor quality CAM release by group A and group B releases their CAM release PROPER. A Telesync release doesn't PROPER a CAM release, because the source is different. PROPER is the most subjective tag in the scene, and a lot of people will generally argue whether the PROPER is better than the original release. The reason for the PROPER should always be mentioned in the NFO.

READNFO: When something important is mentioned in the NFO or as a replacement for PROPER, READNFO can be added to the release title.

REPACK: If a group releases a bad rip, they can release a Repack. A Repack is a fixed version of the original release. It's similar to PROPER but then done by the same group. Note that a Repack is different from a fix. A Fix will repair the original release whilst a repack is a new release.
Rerip: A previous rip was bad, now it's ripped again properly. Similar to repack.
WEB-DL: Decrypted no-loss format from iTunes/Google play
WEBRip: Recorded rip from Netflix(NF.WEBRip) / HULU(HULU.WEBRip) / Amazon(AMZN.WEBRip) or streaming services.
TV specific
HDTV (High Definition Televison): Digital recording from a source stream at either 1080i or 720p at a bitrate from 19,39mbps or higher.
PDTV (Pure Digital Television): Other resolution digital recordings from source streams at a bitrate of 10+mbps or higher. It is a label given to files that were ripped directly from a purely digital source, having less resolution than HDTV. This is accomplished by using a TV tuner card capable of receiving Digital Video Broadcasts or C-Band.
PPV (Pay Per View television): Pay television programming for which viewers pay a separate fee for each program ordered.
SDTV (Standard Digital Television): Digital recording or capture from a source stream at any resolution with bitrate under 10mbps.This includes DirecTiVo but also captures from digisat or digicable with analog capture cards.
Season/Episode code: A code which shows the season and episode of a tv show. For example: S01E12 is season 1 episode number 12.
Movies specific

BluRay: This is the highest quality rip you're going find. Most of the time it is ripped into a HD format and presented in High Def Resolution (720p - 2160p). Please note that in order to play a HD video file, you will need a badass computer. Due to the nature of this resolution, there aren't really many videos presented in this way.

BLURAY REMUX: Full bluray disc decrypted with protection removed and muxed into mkv. There is no quality modification of any stream for a COMPLETE BLURAY.
Other important tags for movies / DVDs:
COMPLETE(FULL) BLURAY: Full BluRay disc decrypted with protection removed and dumped into iso or bdmv structure.
Custom.Subbed: A release can also be custom subbed. Movies are often released earlier in the USA than in Europe. These movies mostly contain a few subtitles, the ones that are spoken in the USA. European groups can create custom subtitles and add these to the DVD(rip). For example, when Dutch subtitles were added to a NTSC DVDr: Madagascar.2005.Custom.NL.Subbed.NTSC.DVDr-Group. Off course, it's not just European, also Japaneese movies can be subbed in English for example.

DC: DC stands for Director's Cut. A director's cut is a specially edited version of a movie that is supposed to represent the director's own approved edit of the movie. It is often released some time after the original release of the film, where the original release was released in a version different from the director's approved edit. 'Cut' is synonymous with 'edit' in this context.

Digitally REMASTERED: Digitally remastered means that an older not-digital movie has been re-editted, remastered and is released on DVD. Some really old movies look very bad compared to the new digital movies. Then they remaster it to make it look better, edit & recolor the video, etcetera. Remastering generally implies some sort of upgrade to a previous existing product, frequently designed to encourage people to buy a new version of something they already own.
Dubbed: If a film is dubbed, it is a special version where the actors' voices are in another language. Dubbed versions of English-language films are for people who don't understand English very well or don't want to read subtitles. In some countries, dubbing is very common, for example Germany.
DVDSCR (DVD Screener): Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterboxed, but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good.

Extended: Sometimes movies are released again on DVD because now the movie is extended. They have put back deleted scenes. For example, E.T. was produced first in 1982 and years later it was brought on DVD again, but now digitally remastered and extended.

FESTiVAL: This is a variation of STV/LiMiTED. A FESTiVAL is a movie which hasn't been shown in a public theater, but has been shown on a filmfestival (such as Cannes Film Festival). An example of a FESTiVAL movie is Hot Tamale (imdb), which has not been in a public theater, but it was shown on the Newport Beach Film Festival.
iNTERNAL: An internal release is done for several reasons. The most common reason is because it has already been released before, and with iNTERNAL in title, the release won't be nuked. iNTERNAL's are quite common. Also lower quality theater rips are done iNTERNAL so it doesn't lower the reputation of the group. An iNTERNAL release is available as normal on the groups affiliate sites, but they can't be traded to other sites without request from the site ops. Although a release is iNTERNAL, it still can be very popular. For mp3's the interla-tag is different. For mp3 releases it's releasetitle-year-Group_iNT. That way the internal release won't be calculated into the group's stats. This avoids mp3 groups from doing a lot of internal releases, since they would just do that to get better stats. Some groups rename iNTERNAL to iNT, since this much shorter.
LiMiTED: A movie is LiMiTED when it has a limited theater run. Generally smaller films (such as art house films) are released as limited. The scene considers a movie limited when it has a generally opening in less than 300 UK theaters, or in less than 500 USA theaters. In the scene jargon, it's usually called 300 UK screens, or 500 USA screens. Officially, it's not the opening weekend's number of theaters that counts, but the peak of the number of theaters. For example; when a movie has 275 UK screens in the opening weekend, and 1 week later it has 325 screens, it's not limited.

Rated/Unrated: Rated means a movie is censored, unrated logically means uncensored.

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 (Region Code): A dvd is released in a certain geographical area, or region and it's not viewable on a dvd player outside of that region. This was designed to stop people buying American dvd's and watching them earlier in other countries, or for older films where world distribution is handled by different companies. A lot of players can either be hacked with a chip, or via a remote to disable this. The regions are: Region 1 - U.S., Canada, U.S. Territories Region 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, and Middle East (including Egypt) Region 3 - Southeast Asia and East Asia (including Hong Kong) Region 4 - Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean Region 5 - Eastern Europe (Former Soviet Union), Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia Region 6 - Peoples Republic of China
Retail DVD: DVD's which are available in shops.

SE: SE stands for Special Edition. Like the name says, it's a special dvd edition of a movie. Often special editions contain extra material like deleted scenes, interviews, or a making-of.

STV: STV stands for Straight To Video. These movies were never released in theaters, instead, they were immediately released on video/dvd. Therefore, a lot of sites do not allow these movies.
Subbed: If a release is subbed, it usually means it has hard encoded subtitles burned throughout the movie. These are generally in malaysian/chinese/thai etc, and sometimes there are two different languages, which can take up quite a large amount of the screen. SVCD and DVD support switchable subtitles, so some DVDRips and most DVD's are released with switchable subs.

Unsubbed: When a movie has been release subbed before, an unsubbed release may be released.

WP (Workprint): A workprint is a copy of a film which has not been finished yet. There can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes (Jay and Silent Bob). WP's can be nice additions to the collection once a good quality final has been obtained.
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