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Arvingerne season 3 english subtitles request


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  • 4 weeks later...

I hear you and I sympathise.... I'm a long-term fan of the show and I have all the episodes in HDTV format on my PLEX server... I had hoped OpenSourceSubtitles.org would automatically have them.... but nothing... nada... I have searched high and low online and nothing is about.. . :( 

I'm gutted.....  looks like this could be a long await... I used to always follow a great uploader on TPB, Snowhiter, but he only has up onto Season 2.

Let's keep each other posted if either of us get our hands on the subs.

Elle (2016) is out at the moment and the subs are tooo... well worth a watch... top notch foriegn langauge movie.


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Hey..... thanks Salopian..... where did you get it from... I might bookmark also to check back to see if any new subs would be uploaded..?

Not sure if I will watch Ep.1 without the sub for the other Ep's as the TV show is so good... that could be classified as self torture!! :)

Thank again though for the sub.... and reply and much appreciated.


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Hi Anthony,

I found it on Subscene.com...the only place I could find it, but it doesn't help when you have all 9 eps does it?...wish I spoke Scandinavian it would save all the angst...

Thanks for the thumbs up on Elle...have that now and the subs...:-)

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This file needs a looooooot of corrections (long lines, I mean, come on, lines of 63 caracters?, dialogue dashes...). Pretty normal, as they come from Subscene.


"Scandinavian" is not a language though...

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I'm pretty sure its Scandinavian or Nordic language, that covers three Nordic languages...

It seems to be taking a while to get the subs for Arvingerne...If you re desperate enough I guess one will do...

Thanks Anthony, will look at The Break ...as I have Netflix...



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I'm pretty sure its Scandinavian or Nordic language, that covers three Nordic languages...

It seems to be taking a while to get the subs for Arvingerne...If you re desperate enough I guess one will do...

Thanks Anthony, will look at The Break ...as I have Netflix...



​I just saw this message.

Are you serious? We have different languages for each country in the Nordic region: Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Sami, Greenlandic, Faroese

They may be close in some aspects, but there's absolutely no united language that can cover any 3 of these into one!

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It all started simply because I said I would like to learn Scandinavian...that's all..only to understand what they are saying in the series...no big deal..sorry if it sounds offensive.

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It's not offensive, at least not to me. It's just that Scandinavian is not a language that you can learn, it's not a language per se (like English, German, French...). This word covers the terms/expressions/grammar points that can be mutually understood between Danish/Norwegian/Swedish. In the same way that Russian and Ukrainian are very similar, there are no language that merges the two together so that you can understand both.

Danish would seem to be more difficult as they are notable differences between written and spoken languages. Danish and Norwegian have more vocabulary in common, but spelling and pronunciation differ. Swedish and Norwegian have a close pronunciation, but there are some Swedish words that neither a Norwegian or a Dane would be able to guess, you just have to learn them. Swedish is also the most spoken language of the three. 

I only learnt Swedish for a couple years, but I already knew French, English and German, so it didn't seem so hard. (And now, I can understand the articles I buy at IKEA, it's not random letters!)

Finnish and Sami have nothing to do with the others, as they are Finno-Ugric languages, and the others Indo-European.

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  • 2 months later...

Complete Season 3 subs are on Subscene in Danish which you can download and then put through Google translator toolkit to give you the English subs. Toolkit subs aren't perfect but you will easily be able to understand what is going on. Subscene also has the first two episodes of season 3 in English. Snowhiter on TPB has uploaded season 3 with eng subs up to episode 7, there are 9 episodes in the season, I'm sure he'll eventually put the last 2 up at some point.


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