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Addic7Ed Corrections Style


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Hi all.

Addic7ed is gonna be looking for correctors soon, so I thought it would be a good idea for the ones who are interested, to get used to the way we correct.

Here's the document I did. Feel free to ask questions.

Addic7ed corrections style



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  • 1 month later...

OK, sounds like fun. So, can I just pick whichever shows I like? How does it work?

PM or email to chamallow.



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 2 years later...

Je voudrais être correctrice des sous-titres, je vois toutes les erreurs d'orthographe et de traduction, et ça me démange;
Puis je faire partie de l'équipe ?

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  • 3 months later...

I just made a thread about the same topic, because I think the guidelines here is too obsolete and needs to be updated.
However, the thread in FAQ/Tutorials section was deleted without any notice or permission.
I assume I did wrong, but I am sure updating the guideline to the current style permitted here is quite helpful to all of us here.
But it looks like some higher members here have no common sense to pay respect to others who kindly help.
I am afraid that the guideline does not give any policy in correction.

All I can safely say right now is... do not commit any correction here at addic7ed... because they may be against the rules and the rules are not clearly stated or wrong if stated or neglected if ask a question.
Too sad to say it.

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I am the first one responsible for hiding your post (it was not deleted). The reason is pretty simple. Such a post should first be submitted in a private area so the changes can be revised (and hopefully approved) by the team members. Imagine I`m trolling and making a correction guide that users start following.

The problem is that I didn't have time to notify you about it (sorry about that, crazy days lately).

We appreciate that you're willing to help the community and we'll review your changes, just give it a little time. There's already so much we do and so little free time to do it.

I would also like you to respect our team members. For the moment (till your changes are approved) we (and we advise our users to do the same) follow the current correction guide.

I started Addic7ed with two thoughts in mind: help others and don't act like other websites (in terms of censorship). I don't like to ban users, delete their comments or ignore them. Again, I`m sorry for any misunderstanding and I'm hoping you'll find a little patience on this. The correction guide is a sensitive thing to change.

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Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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  • 2 years later...


Comme ggarnet plus haut, j'aimerais aider à corriger l'orthographe et la grammaire des sous-titres en français. Comment faire ? Cordialement.

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You have to speak english in this forum, except for the Translator Teams forums.
Go to french sub-forum (here).

You'll find there all the answers to your questions.

Edited by 2secondes
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