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Cold Case Season 4 'better quality' English subs.


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Hi all. First posting here.

I'm currently watching Cold Case Season 4 and have gone through the first two episodes. The subtitles for the first three seasons were mostly of decent/good quality and they had the lyrics at the end of the episodes included. The only subtitles I have found for this season are pretty dismal. Completely mangled capitalisation, no spaces after commas, no end-of-episode lyrics, many MANY instances of missing spaces between words.

I can't imagine the original transcripts being in such a bad state and suppose somewhere along the line someone did all this damage to the subs. Unfortunately I find the same versions on the other sites I've tried. I have taken the trouble to 'restore' the subs of the first two episodes including the missing '**********' bits (I think I got them all) but that was quite a bit of work and although I don't mind fixing/adding one or two dozen things or so, when it becomes 100-200 it just isn't funny anymore. Even if you start by using Word's spell-checker to fix the joined words and fix the missing spaces with proper use of the search and replace function in Subtitle Workshop I usually use.

So I was hoping someone would know a source for better quality (English) subs for this fourth season. Thanks in advance.

An few other unrelated questions.

Why is the Addic7ed forum on a separate domain and does it have a separate name? Did it exist before Addic7ed was 'born' perhaps and is run by the same people? Or is it completely separate? I noticed my registration from A7 not being known here. I had to register again.

And it seems there are no 'Subpacks' for a complete season or all seasons on Addic7ed. Am I right? I haven't seen them so far. The multiple download option is not quite the same I think. Wouldn't subpacks, only of thoroughly checked and good quality subs of course, be a useful addition to the site's offerings?



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A better source for season 4 subs.. I don't know, but I could recommend Subtitle Edit that has a very good spell checker, an option to fix common errors and even capitalization of the most common names. It may come in handy. I always use this one to correct the subs I upload.

About the forum... Addic7ed had a forum before this, but this one was meant as a forum for all subtitle sites, idea not so well fulfilled as we'd have wanted. So after a while we moved Addic7ed's forum here. It has a completely different database, so the users on Addic7ed are not recognized here.

We can only answer for the seasons that we synced and corrected. It's a lot of work to deal with the current seasons, maybe one day, when the team grows we can start correcting old seasons. Until then, the multi download should do.



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  • 1 month later...

hi, check http://www.seriessub.com/sous-titres/cold_case/saison_4/

the english subs are marked with vo at the end of names. Overall good site and has quality subs

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Hi, Lovejoy.

Welcome to Sub-Talk. Does the name "Loevejoy" suggest that you are fan of the series?
I'm just now enjoying a re-watch of the complete series - no subs of course, but in the good old days, actors spoke their lines clearly, and not behind a fore-ground of heavy rock music!

Back in the bad old days of subs, however (less than 2 years ago, that is) I had a twice daily popup on my desk top, with a list of subs that I needed; it was not unusual for the list to contain five or six episodes, with daily additions.

When it popped up, and if I had the time, I would then trawl through half a dozen or more subtitle sites, looking for them. Typically, 3 days was the time it took for them to become available - but for many, it was closer to a week.

I would then check every subtitle, not only spelling and punctuation, but adjusting the sync in parts at least.
(For subs that were not too badly sync'd, but varying, +/- throughout the file, I learned a trick of stretching subs - adding 0.3 secs. to start and finish of all lines to get a rough resync by shotgun effect).

I also knew that the very best subs at that time would be on SeriesSub - if I was prepared to wait. And there's the rub: the subs on the link in the last post were uploaded 3 months later than the ones you are referring to, which probably came out about 3 or 4 days after the airing date of the episode - and almost certainly formed the basis of any "higher quality" subs that followed.

"I can't imagine the original transcripts being in such a bad state..."
Those are the original transcripts.

"somewhere along the line someone did all this subs"
Nope - it is more likely that someone (for whom English was almost certainly a second language) painstakingly typed out each and every word, as it was spoken. (Have a look at the originating site: My link )

I'm not getting at you, by the way; indeed, this is as much a self-indulgent reminiscence as anything - these days I'm as spoiled as anyone by the speed of release and the quality of subs that the Addic7ed teams have brought about.

Here's a thought - all those corrections you have made: how about posting them up on Addic7ed?


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