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Hi to all,


I'm from the netherlands, 28 years old and speak Dutch and English. I watch a lot of series and would like to see if I can contribute to making subs. Also my addic7ed account is not active yet, needs to be done by an administator? :unsure2:



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flyby (Try2Fly)


Hi there! First, don't forget that it is best to have the same username here and on Addic7ed. I also activated your account.


Also, BorisVictor will guide you should you have any question in the Dutch section of this forum.


Last but not least, welcome!

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Thanks! tried to create account several times with different names, because I missed the message that I should contact a administrator.


Is there a way I can still change my username? If it is to much trouble I can also keep it this way.


Thanks again.

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Ok changed that. Next problem, my password does not work anymore. Since I clicked "forgot my password", but do not get the change password email...


Haha, got a good start... :)

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To anyone reading this thread:


Further inquiries about activation mail or password change mail, read this topic.

  • Mention your Addic7ed username in this topic. When creating an account in this forum, always use the same username as on Addic7ed, it will make our job easier. You can change your forum username under "My Settings".
  • If you clicked on the "forgotten password" button in the hope of receiving another mail but didn't receive it, send taytoy a private message and give him both your Addic7ed username and the mail used for registration. Do not give your email publicly.
  • You can also directly send an email to chamallow@addic7ed.com mentioning your email used for registration, your username, and your problem. Using the email option is faster, since chamallow check her emails way more often than the forum.
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