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REQ: Jesse Stone - No Remorse


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I'm placing this request in both TV shows and movies because I'm not sure which category it should fall under. It's a made for TV movie that was on CBS tv on May 9th, 2010. It's been a series of movies.

Anyway, I missed recording it and am looking for english subtitles. Does anyone do them for TV movies or just regular series?


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I deleted the post in the Movies section.

As to the subs - I've got my fingers crossed, too.


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Hi !
I was looking for it too !
Here is the Grall :

Le mensonge et la crédulité s'accouplent et engendrent l'opinion. (Paul Valérie)

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The sync. is useless for the HD.TV version, but OK for the 720p.HDTV version.


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Hi, everyone.

Hope I'm not breaking any forum rules.

I've been looking like crazy on the web for the 720p version (the movie not the subtitle). I just can't find any site to get it. Could someone please give me the name of a site or forum were I could get it? You can send me PM.

I will be most grateful


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After much searching, I found what must be the only 1.4GB version available - but when I tried it, it too was badly out of sync (all over the place!).

Give up - enjoy the new honeybunny sub. with the 700MB version.

Sent you a PM.


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