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Qui est de langue française ???????


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Je serais curieux de savoir combien de membres qui comme moi sont de langue française, quelque soit votre pays d'origine.
Moi je suis originaire du Canada.


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Hi (and welcome).

Please change your signature. It's too big (height). Second, you might wanna add some English to your posts, so we'll understand you better :P.


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Hi (and welcome).

Please change your signature. It's too big (height). Second, you might wanna add some English to your posts, so we'll understand you better :P.


Hey sorry for the signature:s
Looking for members that live or were born in a french country


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Hi Buddy !
Born in Paris ...
Welcome here :-) !

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, I'm from Normandy.
I studied 1 year in Canada, where are you ? It's a big country !


J'habite au centre du Québec. Plus précisément dans le comté de Drummond. Mais je suis natif de Montréal ou j'ai vécu pendant une trentaine d'année.

Toi tu as étudié où exactement au Canada ? Je me suis fait dire que mes ancêtres étaient originaires de la Normandie. 


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Qui est de langue française ?

Does this count?

Around 940 years ago, some chap called Bill Normandy arrived on our south coast with a load of friends and horses. As it happened, Harold Godwinson was there on a pub outing, with some of his pals.

There he was, having a paddle, when a voice shouts from an open boat...

"Allo, allo, 'Arold - longtemps pas voir, mon vieux son. Nous sommes visiting le Hastings - put etre rest un peut, get un four o'clock... Une bevvy... C'est possible que nous hang around pour le weekend - innit."

Well, Harold told him straight: "Sur votre bicyclette, mate", he said.

At this, Bill poked him in the eye, and for the next 200 years or so the royals and nobility of England talked Franglais (or Frenglish, as they say down the market).

s. :rolleyes:

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