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Trivia, anyone?


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Good morning, all.

Apart from sharing our common addic7ion, I have a mind that absorbs trivia - the more useless a piece of information, the more likely I am to stash it away in the memory banks.

While looking for informaion about a particular TV programme, I stumbled across a bit of trivia which triggered a "Not many people know that" reaction. (Maybe, not many people would want to know it! However...)

It occurred to me that it might be fun to have a thread that tests people's familiarity with our narcotic of choice. (Or to demonstrate how many of us need to get out more.)

What do y'all think? How about this: I'll post a question, here and now, and whomever answers it correctly can post a question of their own... Und so weiter...

Here goes:

Walter Bishop is known for causing all kinds of troubles; but how, and when, was he regarded as being instrumental in bringing about a darkening of the night sky?


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Ok, give us first clue ! :D



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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"a darkening of the night sky" is the first clue...

I will add that a TV series is involved (of course).

Should it be necessary, further clues may be added, but, for now, let it remain cryptic.


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On reflection, I feel that perhaps I have been a little too cryptic.
(Blame it on listening to too many editions of "Round Britain Quiz".)

I shall expand a little:

What I have in mind is a TV series which was a great hit, but which declined rather rapidly after 3 seasons.
According to many critics, the final demise (which could, perhaps, be regarded as "a darkening of the night sky") was hastened, indirectly, by "Walter Bishop".


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Oh dear - bit of a lead balloon!

OK, more clues...

The name of the show is the same as the title of a song that has been popular since it was first recorded in 1935 by Connee Boswell.

Since then it has been covered by almost everyone, from Bob Dylan, to Elvis Presley, to Rod Stewart...


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OK - more clues.

It's a TV show.

It declined when the two stars each became distracted - one by motherhood, the other by Hollywood blockbusting.

The final nail in the coffin was considered by many to be associated with the introduction of a character named, "Walter Bishop" (no connection with "Fringe").


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I have to try harder. Couldn`t find the recorded song from `35... i know it`s from a TV show with 3 seasons that apparently does not appear in IMDB.

This is a hard one :S




even later edit:
Now that i think about it, it was way easier to find than i thought.

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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That's it!


A great series, with some quirky innovations (like breaking through "the fourth wall").

Removing Moonlighting would result in "a darkening of the night sky".

The "Walter Bishop" reference: by the fourth season, what had been a very successful series was really declining in popularity. The two main stars were somewhat distracted - Cybill Shepherd had twins, and Bruce Willis was more and more involved in films, including a little something called "Die Hard".

The writers tried to recreate the original sexual tension between the two lead characters by having Maddie (Cybill Shepherd) impulsively marry a man named Walter Bishop.
It backfired, and was widely criticized as a cynical and poorly-executed plot development which led to an even greater ratings decline, and the ultimate cancelling of the series.

I think, at the beginning, I was being a bit too cryptic (or smart-arsed, if you lik) but I wanted to do a little bit more than something that could have been answered with a 2 minute Google search. (like, "What series was cancelled because the leading man got the starring part in Die Hard?"

Well, if this is seen as a good idea, then you are now in the chair, Alex, and will be expected to pose a question...

Game on?


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Hehe, i never knew this show as Moonlighting, but as translated into Romanian, Maddie and David :D i loved it when I was a child :))



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Game on, i`ll continue this tonight. I was thinking of creating a forum just for trivia... it would be easier to mark threads as "Solved" or something :-P

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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Well then, there you go.

Up to you - start it afresh, or transfer this over to a new forum...

(You're in charge.)


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BTW, the song wasn`t "Blue Moon"?



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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"BTW, the song wasn`t "Blue Moon"? "

Yes, it was. Well... It wasn't, really... Sort of...
It was a clanger on my part. :s

I've been doing something else, completely unrelated - a music project that involved the song "Blue Moon", and my mind did a crossover and switched "Moonlighting" with "Blue Moon", and... You can guess the rest.

I was hoping that the post that went bananas with "Blue Moon" might have been forgotten, but obviously not. :angel:

Another way of looking at it:
You got the answer to the secondary, red-herring, smoke-screen question!


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He is a nameless character that's somewhere at the border between fiction and reality.
He likes 1940 Jazz and appears only in a few episodes in a show that's longer at the end than at the beginning.

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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He can talk backwards in real life and he does it in the show too (most of the time). The main character from the show can be found in a popular on going American series.

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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