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honeybunny’s message for Addic7ed’s users

Guest honeybunny

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"please post coordinates for donations"

There's a "Donate" button on the Addic7ed pages; I suggest that when Addic7ed is back, we should all give a bit - or a lot, if you wish - to keep the site healthy.

(Hint: Work out how much 40+ minutes of entertainment is worth, and then multiply it by the number of subs you get from Addic7ed in a year... Now you may say, "Wow", and, "Oh dear me", or whatever your favourite expletive might be.)


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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Thank you all for your kind words and positive thoughts. Thank you for your encouragements and contributions. I miss addic7ed as much as you do, and i promise we'll be back as soon as physically possible. Stay close.



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Hmmm, more than 1,000 registered members. Maybe that means something !!!



The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Honey... thanks for all your work. I translate subs to spanish for a long time and never was so easy and fast to find a good english subtitle. I hope your problems won't take long. Greetings... :)

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Hi,i miss u :) please come back! :) can u upload subs for today new episodes of flashforward,supernatural and vampire diaries ?

please send me link,peace and love bunny :)

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To bunny and the rest of the team I can only say thanks a lot.
I know what it is to manage a forum and having to cope with all sorts of unmotivating comments from people who don't seem to realise some of us devote our time for them for free. I do realise what addic7ed means for all of us and they deserve respect at the very least.

Thanks again, miss u a lot, hope you be back soon.

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Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for all the work in providing subs!

I work odd hours, and have a tv tuner/dvr that can record, but 1 show = 8G. So ****s are my way.

So much free content online, and none of it cc, because big networks don't care about Deaf people.

Glad that Addic7ed does!

It's also a nice way to learn a second language :)


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To echo what everyone has spoken, I really want to THANK YOU for your hard work on Addic7ed and the admins of this site. Without you guys, it's really a big pain in the a** to watch any single episode. Now I have to search every single sub site all over the net just to find latest sub and none of them are as fast as addic7ed nor are they as accurate. It's ashamed those who steal your work have the balls to also close down their site claiming so-called "technical issue" as well. I don't really follow the whole history of what went down and it seems really fishy as soon as you guys shut down, some other site follows. Anyway, I'm just counting the days until you guys are back on again, just want to express my gratitude.

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I agree with humanbeing. I've been searching all over the internet for one single episode's subtitles & I've failed... epically! I also found fishy coming through some others sites with "technical issues" too. I want to say thanks because I'm a native Spanish speaker but I learned English at a pretty early age. I like to watch TV Series in English with the English subtitles on & my best source has been Addic7ed ever since I found it. Thanks a lot! Wish you the best of lucks & I truly hope to see you guys back soon.

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"I have to search every single sub site all over the net just to find latest sub..."

That's how it used to be until quite recently.
The timeliness of Addic7ed's subs, for current TV programmes, is something that is fairly new to the scene.

While there were some programmes for which subs would appear quite quickly, it was not unusual to wait for a day or two, or even a week for subtitles to appear. For every programme that I was interested in, I had a folder of shortcuts (typically, 3 or 4) to particular subtitle sites that I had learned were likely to have subs for that show before others did. I would routinely poll through them, through the course of a day.

We have been royally spoilt, of late, as, for speed and general quality, there hasn't been a sub site quite like Addic7ed.

However, I think it unfair to suggest that other sites only survive by "stealing" subs from Addicted.

There are few people - and even fewer sites - who create subtitle files. Most sites merely operate as places where individual members post subtitles that they have harvested from elsewhere.

Some posters of "found" subtitles acknowledge the original authors, but most don't, and even go as far as stripping out the accreditation lines.

This also happens, occasionally, on Addic7ed, because some subs are posted there by members...

I once tracked a file that originated on Addic7ed.
It was downloaded and posted on Subscene - with corrections, but also with acknowledgements).
It was then downloaded from Subscene and, with more minor alterations, and with all the acknowledgements removed, posted on at least three other sites - including Addic7ed!

As to a site (or sites) closing down as soon as Addic7ed fell over: I can only think of TVsubtitles.net. TVsubtitles flourished for quite some time before Addic7ed existed, and seems (on the face of it) to be off-line for planned reasons, given that there is a target return date on the anchor page.


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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As to a site (or sites) closing down as soon as Addic7ed fell over: I can only think of TVsubtitles.net. TVsubtitles flourished for quite some time before Addic7ed existed, and seems (on the face of it) to be off-line for planned reasons, given that there is a target return date on the anchor page.


Interesting that TVSubtitles went back online the same day as Addic7ed - much earlier than their target date! Welcome back to them too!
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"TVSubtitles went back online the same day as Addic7ed"

But before Addic7ed, by a couple of hours.

My worry is that as Addic7ed has become so efficient, publishing subs at a faster rate than I've ever known, so the fewer in number will other sub creating sites become.

I think we should all club together to buy Alex a big, shiny new server - and a spare!


Important links: Forum Help.


Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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You're doing a great job! Thanks for all!

OFF: The subtitles for The Simpsons S21E17 are done?

LE: The site is working, so i downloaded the subtitles for The Simpsons. Thank you!:)

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