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[Kerensky] Sas V12-01-2010 (Batch)


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Remember the last folder used in the browse... added to the list ;)

I never got that bug in any of my test, but it "seems" like there was some kind of issue with the extracted audio file...
please, send me that audio or tell me the video release name so I can run some test on it and track that bug.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

Excellent thanks very much! :D

I'll set up an FTP connection so you can dl it right from my server (has 100mbit upload ;) ), I'll PM you the details ASAP.

Thanks again!

P.s. I'm working on a batch program to download and sync subtitles automatically, it's starting to produce good results! I'll post it here if / when it works :) obviously wouldn't be possible without your program!

Oh one more question: What do the "Silen" and "EMedp" variables mean? (if that's easy to answer / relevant)
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Oh one more question: What do the "Silen" and "EMedp" variables mean? (if that's easy to answer / relevant)

"Silen" it's the value of the estimated silence level for that guessed line... but a 100 doesn't necessarily mean 100% of silence, it depends in the combination of other calculated values.

Also, I put a threshold in the main window in case the user saw that lines over that threshold were always a false positive (in my tests I'd say a reasonable value is 97-98, but since it's easier to delete a bad detected line than to create a line that with a higher threshold would have been detected, I decided to leave it at the maximum (100) by default)

"EMedp" it's the short for Percentage over the mean energy for that guessed line... not very relevant, since the captured audio has so much noise that a threshold based on energy levels it's far from being accurate
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"Silen" it's the value of the estimated silence level for that guessed line... but a 100 doesn't necessarily mean 100% of silence, it depends in the combination of other calculated values.

Also, I put a threshold in the main window in case the user saw that lines over that threshold were always a false positive (in my tests I'd say a reasonable value is 97-98, but since it's easier to delete a bad detected line than to create a line that with a higher threshold would have been detected, I decided to leave it at the maximum (100) by default)

"EMedp" it's the short for Percentage over the mean energy for that guessed line... not very relevant, since the captured audio has so much noise that a threshold based on energy levels it's far from being accurate

Roger thanks for that, I'll experiment a bit with the Silen threshold value

Ftp should be working now :) details sent to PM. Double tested the mp3 just in case.

P.s. your program did remember the last opened directory last time I used it. Probably deleted the dir it pointed to last time :blush:
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I'm afraid you can't

PS: For one, thank apple for having one the most closed environment ever created ;)

No worries, I supposed it =)

I don't really know if apple is closed or not, I just know I love it!!! (Yes, I'm a apple fan boy)
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  • 6 months later...

Can you, Kerensky, fix this, please?!


That error means it doesn't find one of the temporal files created in the "analysis" step...

  • Make sure you installed (or extracted) properly the program.
  • And you have write rights in the folder you extracted/installed the program.

HERE it's the standalone version of the application (just extract it), in case the issue it's the installer.

¿Did it work with another input file?

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Thanks for you answer, sir!

I extract the batch exe in a folder, i put the movie there, in the same folder, i run the batch exe in this way: "Run as administrator" and i recive this errors:

Error 1:



Subtitle is there, of course, but i think is not normal, right?
Too much errors.
I tried to do this in many ways, but i recive the same errors.

Thanks, again!

One more thing!
I verify in "temp folder" and the "Temp4.sas" was there after i recive the error. Strange, right?

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Well, it's pretty clear the last step of the analysis (the epoch calculation) fails with that input... the Temp*.sas files are always generated, but only contains the results of the analysis if it's completed.

For what I can see... 22mn it's a LONG time to process, so I guess you're trying a audio/video quite long.

If you don't have enough RAM, that analysis step will fail with too long files, maybe that's the problem.

¿Can you try to split the original file in 2 part, and use these parts as inputs?

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I have a i7 CPU @ 2.7 GHz and 6GB of RAM.
I think my resources is not a problem.
I don't know why takes so long. The movie what i have try it, it's a long one, have 2 hours and 18 min.
Maybe is normal, i don't know.

Thanks !

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  • 9 months later...

I tested it on a 59 min MP4 doco and it processed fine in 10 min 48 sec.
System: Win-7 64-bit, 4GB RAM.
Many false-positives in the .SRT and the speech durations are off but it's something to use as a starting point.

Disappointed to find only an installer in the first post because I try to find and use only portable small apps.
Don't want my registry infected with bloat.
But then I found the portable version on p.3 so uninstalled the other one.
Please include both together as options.

I had another app that calculated the timings only and it did a nice job too.
I forget what it was called.
I'll try to find it and compare.

I guess ASS wasn't a suitable acronym for Automatc Subtitle Synchronizer, eh?
Would have been some interesting icons available for it.

Thanks for your work, mate.

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Many false-positives in the .SRT and the speech durations are off but it's something to use as a starting point.

Yep, that's the idea, a "more or less" accurate pre-synchro :)
If you lower the "Silen" threshold, you'll get fewer false positives,
but also you may lost good timings, and since it's easier to delete lines to create new ones...

Disappointed to find only an installer in the first post because I try to find and use only portable small apps.
Don't want my registry infected with bloat.
But then I found the portable version on p.3 so uninstalled the other one.
Please include both together as options.

Done :)

I had another app that calculated the timings only and it did a nice job too.
I forget what it was called.
I'll try to find it and compare.

It would be great if you re-find it, it would be interesting to know.

I guess ASS wasn't a suitable acronym for Automatic Subtitle Synchronizer, eh?
Would have been some interesting icons available for it.

The acronym it's actually for Sincronizador Automático de Subtítulos, which it's the name of the app in Spanish.
Besides, the ASS acronym it's already used for a subtitle format xDD

Thanks for the input ;)
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