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Subtitle Edit For Ubuntu - Troubleshoting, Tips And Tricks


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Hello I have a problem running SE on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, when I load a subtitle .sub I get this message...

Unable to start hunspell spel cheker - make sure hunspell is installed!



Then when I open the options the option is not active for the player or for hundspell.




Terminal error

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: ApplicationName='tesseract', CommandLine='"/tmp/5bbe143b-7cd0-44f2-ae5f-013a3c6c3b83.png" "/tmp/42b3c7e7-dae6-4982-86eb-a30f20125ab2" -l spa+music -psm 6 hocr', CurrentDirectory=''
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_common (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo, System.Diagnostics.Process process) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process:Start ()
  at Nikse.SubtitleEdit.Forms.VobSubOcr.Tesseract3DoOcrViaExe (System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, System.String language, System.String psmMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


SE 3311 and SE 3312 beta Portable , Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit
Any help please? thanks. :unsure:


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I don't think I ever got the spell checking running... so you probably have to fix some code ;)


I re-installed my hd recently and I don't have Linux atm... but I'll try to install Mint soon...

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Thanks for replying and for your great program.
I tried it with wine and it seems that all is well.


Off topic: Now that going to install linux, I created a video of how to compile x265  HEVC in alpha stage but hey if someone is interested, I hope I do not disturb anyone putting this video



Thanks :D

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  • 3 months later...

If this topic is still alive:


I am using Linux (LMDE - LInux Mint Debian Edition) currently.

There are at least 6 subtitle editors shown at Synaptic Package Manager.

From those "Gnome Subtitles" I do use most.

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  • 1 year later...

When I'm opening SE via wine, hunspell works just fine, but the "OK" and "Back" button in the "Fix common errors" window cannot be clicked... very, very frustrating. The third button - "Cancel" - works fine. And when running it under mono, all button are as they should, but then hunspell doesn't work. :(


Somebody here that have a solution to this?

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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/21/2015 at 1:01 AM, jolar2000 said:

When I'm opening SE via wine, hunspell works just fine, but the "OK" and "Back" button in the "Fix common errors" window cannot be clicked... very, very frustrating. The third button - "Cancel" - works fine. And when running it under mono, all button are as they should, but then hunspell doesn't work. :(


Somebody here that have a solution to this?

​Took me a while to figure it out, but you need to install the hunspell dev libraries, not just the command line app. This worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install libhunspell-dev


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  • 9 months later...

Does Find+Replace work for anyone? The dialog opens up, but it doesn't do anything.

Also, I can't get Unicode symbols (such as ♪) to display properly (I only get squares) when running in Mono, although it shows up fine in Wine (everything else becomes unusable though!). Any idea what I can do to fix this? [EDIT: it's actually a problem with the Tahoma font, which my employer requires.]

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+ is there a way to set the default output format to something other than .srt? It's a bit tedious having to select .scc every time I save.

(SOLVED: just had to edit the settings XML file)

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aaaand one more thing: what's up with .scc files getting all messed up upon saving?

For example, longer captions (even if they are still within the accepted character limits) will get split up into 3 lines, and even some timings will go off for no apparent reason. This is very frustrating. I'd love not having to use that format, but my employer requires it.


Does this happen under Windows as well?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

SE352 portable, Ubuntu 16.10, mono 4.2.3 (mono-complete package). App launches fine but kicks back "this is not a valid matroska file" for every mkv I try to open, even ones I know are good. Anyone else?


Edit: For what it's worth, I went back and tried earlier and earlier versions until it worked again and landed at 3.4.3. This version works, 3.4.4 and up give me the error message above.

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  • 1 month later...

Nikse, how exactly is it supposed to work with mpv? For me, video playback does not work and it is all greyed out in the preferences (and I am not the only one from reading this thread).

I am on Ubuntu 16.04, I have mono-complete installed, I use SE 3.5.2. Mpv is installed (but the linux binary) - when I tried to download it from the interface, it didn't seem to do anything. I am on 64bit. Or has anybody here suceeded in making SE work with mpv (or any other video player for that matter)?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

ah yes.. i think i must have got he i686 .deb, which worked a treat on my pentium ubuntu box. here i go compiling from source again... i wish i was better at it, like id love to contribute back a ppc .deb, but im just not very knowledgable, patient or thorough

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  • 1 month later...

SE 3.5.11 Beta has some fixes for Linux: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases/download/3.5.10/SubtitleEditBeta.zip
Fixes includes video player, settings, matroska loading, and ocr.

SE works on Ubuntu 19.04 with these packages: "libmpv-dev" + "vlc" + "libhunspell-dev" + "tesseract-ocr"

Red hat packages should be something like: "hunspell-devel" + "vlc" + "mpv-libs-devel" + https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki

(libmpv for video player, vlc for audio form generating, libhunspell for spell check + tesseract for ocr)


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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/22/2019 at 3:45 PM, Nikse said:

SE 3.5.11 Beta has some fixes for Linux: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases/download/3.5.10/SubtitleEditBeta.zip
Fixes includes video player, settings, matroska loading, and ocr.

SE works on Ubuntu 19.04 with these packages: "libmpv-dev" + "vlc" + "libhunspell-dev" + "tesseract-ocr"

Red hat packages should be something like: "hunspell-devel" + "vlc" + "mpv-libs-devel" + https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki

(libmpv for video player, vlc for audio form generating, libhunspell for spell check + tesseract for ocr)


​Thank you for your effort, we have to spread the word about this new update

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much again, I want to report that everything works very well with the following steps collected here, the credits to people who have made the effort to help us use this wonderful tool in Linux and publish them here.
Today is Nov. 15. of 2019 and I'm using Pop! _OS (based on Ubuntu) 19.10. My hardware is a Ryzen 2700x CPU and an RX 570 Radeon video card. The software is fully updated. I include the hardware because I don't know if it will work with Nvidia. In the past I didn't have much luck with Nvidia with this wonderful program.
Here I share what needs to be installed and it worked for me. I hope it works for you.
  Anyway I think it can help for the future development of Subtitle Edit for Linux.



sudo apt-get install libhunspell-dev

sudo apt-get install mplayer

sudo apt-get install w64codecs libdvdcss2

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

sudo apt-get install libqtgui4

sudo apt install libmpv1

sudo apt install libmpv-dev 

sudo apt install  vlc  

sudo apt install libhunspell-dev

sudo apt install tesseract-ocr

*vlc and all codecs must be installed

*player optional and works for me: Mplayer

sudo apt-get install mplayer


Installing Subtitle Edit.

Extract the zip in a subdirectory in your home directory (example: home/your-user/subtitle-edit/)

Run the program: From the gui (Nautilus), In the directory where SubtitleEdit.exe is  Open the terminal and just type:

mono SubtitleEdit.exe

That's it. 


**Note to the developer: The "Fix common errors" feature works very fast with English (my Linux is installed on English) but if you want use the same tools to Spanish subs, it takes around 3 minutes



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  • 2 months later...

SE 3.5.12 has improved Linux support :)

I've tested on Ubuntu/Kubuntu and these packages are needed:

  • sudo apt-get install mono-complete
  • sudo apt-get install libhunspell-dev
  • sudo apt-get install libmpv-dev
  • sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
  • sudo apt-get install vlc (already installed on most distros)
  • sudo apt-get install ffmpeg (already installed on most distros)

If it's not already present you will also need the true type font dejavu - so you get Unicode support.

For more info (+ Arch/Manjaro packages) see: https://nikse.dk/SubtitleEdit/Help#linux

(you can also try "libvlc" but that did not work too well for me - wait for VLC 4...)


@AMDRX: Could not re-produce slowness for "Fix common errors" with Spanish. A specific subtitle file?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi. Thanks for your great work in figuring out what is needed to make Subtitle Edit run on Ubuntu.

I have installed it and most of it works, but there is one problem: The keyboard shortcuts do not work as expected. For example, Ctrl+Z does not work.

After some investigation it turned out that the quite surprising reason is that whenever i apply a modifier key (ctrl, shift, alt), it uses the AZERTY keyboard (i.e. the keyboard layout used in France), which explains why it seemed like some shortcut didn't work, when in fact they were located on another physical key.

I don't have a French operating system, or French keyboard layout or anything like that  (I live in Sweden), so it seems to be a bug either in Mono or in Subtitle Edit?

When I type normal text, for example to edit a subtitle, then my regular QWERTY keyboard is used, as it should. I.e. the AZERTY layout is in effect only together with modifier keys (ctrl, shift, alt).

Have anyone else experienced this error, or have any idea what might be the problem?

I am running Subtitle Edit 3.5.13 (which is the latest version at the time of writing this) on Ubuntu 19.10 (or actually Xubuntu).
I tried also with Subtitle Edit 3.5.11, and had the same problem.
Also, worth to notice: If i go to Options > Settings > Shortcuts, and highlight the "Key" dropdown-menu, and press Z, then the letter W is selected, i.e. the AZERTY keyboard is used also in this dropdown menu. (see screenshot).


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