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Oare "asta"... Cum Se Traduce?


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Cred ca "dead wood" poate fi tradus, cel putin aici, cu "bata"

"The one Gonzo pulled on Anderson..." Faza (farsa) care i-a facut-o Gonzo lui Anderson
"Man, that guy was dead wood on the missing persons desk." Frate, tipul asta era varza (incompetent, pafarist, bata) la (biroul de) persoane disparute.
"But, man, could he pull off a prank.” Dar, frate, ce glume (farse) facea!

Cand am citit prima oara, am crezut ca Anderson era varza (din cauza ca era tinta farselor), dar este vorba despre Gonzo, care nu era prea bun la munca, dar te facea sa razi.

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"Hmm", "Whoa", "Uh", "Oh", "Eh" si alte asemenea NU SE TRADUC.
Mai luati exemplu si de la subtitrarile de la televizor, acolo ati vazut asa ceva? :)




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Cred ca "dead wood" poate fi tradus, cel putin aici, cu "bata"

"The one Gonzo pulled on Anderson..." Faza (farsa) care i-a facut-o Gonzo lui Anderson
"Man, that guy was dead wood on the missing persons desk." Frate, tipul asta era varza (incompetent, pafarist, bata) la (biroul de) persoane disparute.
"But, man, could he pull off a prank.” Dar, frate, ce glume (farse) facea!

Cand am citit prima oara, am crezut ca Anderson era varza (din cauza ca era tinta farselor), dar este vorba despre Gonzo, care nu era prea bun la munca, dar te facea sa razi.

Multumesc mult de ajutor. Chiar suna bine interpretarea asta si are legatura cu filmul.
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  • 1 month later...

"I can operate circles around the head of the program."

vreo idee cum as putea traduce asta?

Revin si spun ca initial nu am citit toate regulile (pentru asta imi cer mii de scuze), asa ca m-am intors la subtitrarea din Grey's Anatomy si am corectat!

Scuzati inca o data!

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Imi vine sa-mi dau palme pentru ca am deschis topicul asta :D

"I can operate circles around the head of the program."
vreo idee cum as putea traduce asta?

"Ma-nvart in jurul sefului" ?
Nu stiu contextul, imi vine greu sa emit vreo varianta.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 3 weeks later...

S-a rezolvat.
Traducerea este stearsa si cei care au lucrat la ea au primit interdictie,pentru nerespectarea regulilor de traducere.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 2 weeks later...


Din nou am nevoie de ajutor cu o traducere.
Contextul este urmatorul:

primul personaj: What's up?
al doilea personaj: What's up with you?
primul: Got a problem?
al doliea: What you want to be up? -----asta nu stiu cum sa o traduc
primul: Got a problem?
al doilea: Man, you ain't scaring nobody. What's up your ass, mother......
What you want to be up?---aceeasi expresie pe care nu stiu sa o traduc

daca va ajuta mai mult sa vedeti secventa din serial, este vorba de Southland, sezonul 4, ep 8, de la minutul 21:32.

Multumesc anticipat.

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What you want to be up?

Ce vrei sa se intample?
Vrei sa se intample ceva anume?

Presupun :)




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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What you want to be up?

Ce vrei sa se intample?
Vrei sa se intample ceva anume?

Presupun :)


cred ca merge traducerea asta.
merci mult
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  • 3 months later...

A? avea nevoie de ajutor la traducerea termenilor tehnici din gimnastic?. Nu am g?sit nic?ieri vreun dic?ionar de gen, ca s? pot traduce Make it or break it.

De exemplu:

  • two and half punch front
  • You can squeeze another one out.

... deocamdat?.

?i aici câteva expresii pe care nu le în?eleg:
  • I'm gonna be soakin' up deals (and showing off my medals).
  • Drill it

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  • two and half punch front
  • You can squeeze another one out.

- Probabil saritura cu doua intoarceri si jumatate in fata
- Aproape ai castigat

  • I'm gonna be soakin' up deals (and showing off my medals).
  • Drill it

La prima n-am idee.
La a doua e mai interesant, ar trebui contextul dar iti dau un link sa-l citesti singur :) : http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=drill+it




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 2 months later...

Buna !
Am si eu putine probleme la traducerea unui episod din HIMYM .

"foreplay's out the window."
"Two Scotches, both neat,"
"when my friend's retainer"


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"foreplay's out the window."
"Two Scotches, both neat,"
"when my friend's retainer"

N-am vazut episodul, nu stiu contextul, dar, grosso-modo, "two scotches..." ar putea fi " doua scotchuri, seci".
La celelalte, dupa cum am spus, nu stiu contextul.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Intr-un final, au numit un pod si dupa el.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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futche = future (fiutce - fonetic aproximativ :) )




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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