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Shows you wish they hadn't ended


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Well i would say " The Job" and " Rome ". i might edit the list if i remember more.
But "The Job" definitely. Too short :(
Oh, and ofc Life. But it was canceled so it doesn`t count..

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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Quite a few, but coming immediately to mind, are:

Defying Gravity,
The Unusuals,
Jake 2...

The Job - had lots of potential, and got into its stride with Season 2.

I want to add Battlestar Galactica, but I feel that it was well rounded off, and better that it ended than declined.


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Hunnybunny: you mention Kings, and I see that the cast is headed by Ian McShane (another Brit, of course) - if you like him, look for his most famous role, "Lovejoy", especially the earlier seasons.


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Never look before you leap, it'll spoil the surprise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Soon to be gone Dollhouse :(

Will Joss Whedon ever be taken seriously? Is it the Buffy curse?

Buffy, Firefly, now Dollhouse - What Whedon show will I miss next? I can hardly wait to find out ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 for "The Job"
"John Doe"
another show I totally loved called "Eyes" with Timothy Daly
the creepy "Jim Profit"
"Lipstick Jungle" for my wife
"The Shield"

and "The Sopranos"

even if these last three have not been canceled, I miss them anyway :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lament the ending of Rome too, honey.:angel:
However, Rome had a 'decent' ending. Jericho and Carnivale just sort of 'stopped'.
I just sux to invest time in a TV story only to have the network yank the rug out from under it.
Inglorious basturds!:dodgy:

Saving the earth from having to watch lower-case subs!

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Dollhouse... we know it wasn't meant to be a super "hit" the show, but it was really enjoyable. Honestly... for me it was one of the best shows beside Lost and Flash Forward.

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I only watched the very fist episode of Dollhouse and I thought it wasn't too bad of a show. Maybe I'll get around to watching all of them when I have the time. I hope Josh Whedon's luck turns out better as time passes lol.

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