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top ten characters of the last decade


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well another decade is almost over so ive compiled a top ten of my favorite characters of the last decade you may not agree with the order ive selected but then again thats what the reply button is for

10 anton chigurh..no country for old men, played by javier bardem

9 randy the ram..the wrestler, played by mickey rourke

8 jason bourne..the bourne films..played by matt damon

7 the bride..kill bill1&2, played by uma thurman

6 kevin..sin city, played by elijah wood

5 maximus..gladiator, played by russel crowe

4 jack sparrow..pirates of the carribean, played by johnny depp

3 daniel plainview..there will be blood..played by daniel day lewis

2 donnie darko..donnie darko, played by jake gyllenhal

1 the joker..the dark knight, played by heath ledger

well thats my top ten no doubt some of you will heartily disagree so reply here

hounarable mention goes to hugo weaving for v for vendetta

and befor you all go nuts i deliberatly left out lord of the rings and twilight, i left out lotr because im a star wars fan and there can be only one return and thats of the jedi, and i left out twilight because it flat out sucks.....yeah i said it what!!!!
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