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Favorites: Don't Merge Hi With Non-Hi Subtitles


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When adding a favorite, HI subtitles and non-HI subtitles are considered as the same subtitle meaning that you can either add one or the other as your favorite but not both. As a result, if you picked HI you won't get notified if a non-HI version has been uploaded and vice-versa. Could they be considered as two different subtitles please? Just like English and English (UK) are considered as two different subtitles for example.

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  • 10 months later...

and also there's another thing that i'd love to be done: when you are in the list of your new favorite subtitles ready for you to download, you cannot see which ones are the ones synched for the HD [thing that to find out i should go to each subtitle's page]. most of the times i get one of the two versions withot knowing if it's the right one for the 720p versions of the episode...

is it possible having beside the subtitle the "HD" logo to point me in the right choice?

thanks a lot :)

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Long-short answer:
LOL always works with DiMENSION;
FQM always works with ORENJI;
ASAP always works with IMMERSE;
CtrlHD always works with 720p CtrlHD;
2HD should work with 720p 2HD.

What problem do you have?




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Long-short answer:
LOL always works with DiMENSION;
FQM always works with ORENJI;
ASAP always works with IMMERSE;
CtrlHD always works with 720p CtrlHD;
2HD should work with 720p 2HD.

What problem do you have?


my problem was not knowing this!

problem solved, thnx ;)
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In case you forget, next time just use your mouse to hover over the icon shown in the following screenshot... and you'll see the answer ;)


It's not the years in the life, but the life in the years dQVXh.gif

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In case you forget, next time just use your mouse to hover over the icon shown in the following screenshot... and you'll see the answer ;)


i quite never visit those pages as i get the subs from the list of my "followed shows new subs now available"; i just go there when i start following a new serie to add it to my favorites...

btw now i printed that list and put it with some tape under one of my screens ;)
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