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Need Help Translating German to English


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Hey everyone.

This is what Youtube Auto-Transcription made:
und hat bon Max Born hat gesehen dass man da die sogenannte wahrscheinlichkeits-interpretation braucht dass ein Teilchen an einem bestimmten festen Ort sitzt wird ersetzt durch eine Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussage und das war etwa der Punkt an dem Einstein nicht mehr mit ging der Einstein wollte das sozusagen

and this is the auto translation:
and has bon Max Born has seen that you need the so-called probability interpretation that a particle sits at a certain fixed location is replaced by a probability statement and that was about the point at which Einstein no longer went with it Einstein wanted that, so to speak


But it's not a good translation.

I need:
- an Accurate German Transcription
- English Translation


Thanks in Advance

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1 hour ago, forgetit said:

The German transcription is gibberish, so any auto, or even human translation would not help you. But it looks like lecture on Einstein's and/or Max Born's theories, of which there are likely plenty other English videos available.


Thank you for your reply.


Yes. it's from Episode 05 of "The Physics of Light" series.

This part of it, didn't have an English subtitles. 


It's important for me to know the exact German words that he says in the video.

Because i want to translate it to other language (Persian) and create some subtitles for this part.

So at least i have to make sure that everything perfectly translated to English then in the last step, i'll use some other sources in order to fully understand what he is talking about.


Thanks again for your reply.



But i still need the Exact German Transcription and English Translation.

Edited by Abolfazl
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Hi Abolfazl,

the audio transcript wasn't that bad considering it had to deal with a slightly ungrammatical run-on sentence.

This is the transcipt of the german part. Amendments in brackets [] and punctuation by me.

[audio fades in]
...und hat Born...
[restarts sentence]
Max Born hat gesehen, dass man da die sogenannte Wahrscheinlichkeits-Interpretation braucht.
Dass ein Teilchen an einem bestimmten, festen Ort sitzt, wird ersetzt durch eine Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussage.
Und das war etwa der Punkt an dem Einstein nicht mehr mitging.
Der Einstein wollte[,] das sozusagen...
[audio fades out]
(The final line is too ambiguous to punctuate without knowing the rest, but the meaning is more or less clear)

Substituting past tense in english for present perfect tense, in english it should be something like this:

[audio fades in]
...and Born has...
[restarts sentence]
Max Born saw, that you'd need the so-called probability interpretation.
[The statement] that a particle is located at a certain fixed point is replaced by a statement of probability.
And that was roughly the point at which Einstein stopped going along with [Born].
Einstein wanted - so to speak - ...
[audio fades out]

Since am nor a physicist I don't know if "probability interpretation" is the proper translation for "Wahrscheinlichkeits-Interpretation" in physics jargon.



Edited by Daniel
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12 hours ago, Daniel said:

Hi Abolfazl,


Hi Daniel.

Thank you so much for this. Made me happy.


I wish you the best days in this year. :wub2:

Happy 2023

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