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Xbmc Support?


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Bull, the control is easy (use IP) and the API is easy (use HTTP or webservice).

i won`t even bother arguing with ya. you have 3 posts on this forum.. 2 of which you said subtitles are illegal and so on.
Any other easy thing you care to share with us?

@cluenot: Don't get the control idea wrong (this ain't big brother). I don't see why there would be a problem if you downloaded from other website (control problem that is.. since you said we'd have no control that way). The only problem when you download Addic7ed releases from other websites is that you might bump into fakes. You have a point and i respect it for not making it look easy *wink wink*. As i said, this is temporary :)

Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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I just wanted to say that I too would love this feature. The XBMC plugin is great and it's a shame that the best subtitle site out there isn't supported.
If it's a bandwidth issue couldn't you limit it to VIPs? The plugin supports login.
Thanks for all the great work!


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Hi Alex,

I appreciate very much your site. I donated 20 Euro some months ago , without requesting anything in return ( VIP or something like that ), and I did it because I appreciate your efforts with your site. You provide a service that many TV show enthuziasts like me find it unreplaceble ( the ability to have english subtitles few hours after a show is released , thing that not even Hulu doesn;t provide it yet ).

XBMC and Boxee are now becoming very wide spreaded (and with the iOS port of XBMC is becoming more and more popular ). On our HTPCs, iPADs, Apple TV's , etc , it is not that easy do download subtitles from your site. It is actually very hard and annoying. Please understand this, and please allow XBMC to use your subtitles. And of course like all the other guys that posted here, I also think that this should be a paid service.

a fan.

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  • 1 month later...

I am a huge fan of Addic7ed.
And of a cute bunny that seems to love honey. Poohbunny? :-)

There is also a program that is becoming very popular: Sickbeard.
And I would indeed love that they implement scanning for subs and download them. Also from addic7ed.
But it should be a VIP feature and an API is maybe the best way.

Is doing it manually bad? No...but we all like things automated. Would i not show my face on the site? No I will still hop on and say hi and thanks.

I have a wild and crazy idea. What if the addic7ed website has a tool or plugin that allows you to select the subs you need and it will automatically rename and copy to the TV series directory on your network? A " send to your TV folder" feature.
And make that work from a mobile phone as well..and everybody happy!

Should I be locked up now? :-)

Keep up the awesome work peeps!

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  • 7 months later...

I guess nothing have happend whit all this joke of no autodownolad am whit plex and i juts sorry to say it but i dont like opensubtitle i simple addic7ed but then has honney say we will have to download form the page till someone hold the bull form the hurns.

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  • 2 months later...

Let's see if I understand well.
It is highly acclaimed work which provides subtitles for the majority (not saying all) series that someone follows in particular, everyone is enthusiastic about that, but it would be great if those subtitles would be delivered in terms that someone want, and possibly seasoned with peanuts and juice, right?

Indeed, imagine the crazy idea that we have computers make our lives easier by writing useful software. If you require inspiration to do this, I suggest you look up to sickbeard, couchpotato, or any number of other useful opensource software projects. They happen to include intelligent (and often humble) developers.

As for addic7ed.com, lazy developer is lazy. Just sayin'.
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Indeed, imagine the crazy idea that we have computers make our lives easier by writing useful software. If you require inspiration to do this, I suggest you look up to sickbeard, couchpotato, or any number of other useful opensource software projects. They happen to include intelligent (and often humble) developers.

As for addic7ed.com, lazy developer is lazy. Just sayin'.

Feel free to search on the web the appropriate site that fulfill your needs.
Just sayin'.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Here, Mr Nobody question: its Addic7ed not ready yet? what do it requiere to be ready?
Because i love you work and i dont really like when i see its say donwloaded from "mr Magu" from Addic7ed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any news regarding this subject yet?

I'm a fairly new user of OpenELEC (XBMC based) and I really love it. But I can't get my regular doses of subtitles from my favourite sub site when using it -- I have to move to my "proper" computer in another room and download the subs, move them and rename them.

With the XBMC plug-in I can do all this in seconds with a couple of clicks without even leaving the TV set. But not with subs from this site. :(

Yeah, I know, it may sound lazy and all, but aren't computers meant to facilitate living in any way possible?

Please, pretty please, with suger, let the XBMC people reinstall the Addic7ed script again. As has been mentioned above, it's no problem to make the script demand log-in.

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Any news regarding this subject yet?


Please, guys and gals, don't keep holding us faithful users hostage any more. Surely there must be a way to settle this in a friendly way?
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Is it so hard to access the site and download your needed subtitle?
I mean, we can spend 30-40-50 min or more for every subtitle but will be awesome if you can have them in a sec?

Many thanks for this attitude.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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Is it so hard to access the site and download your needed subtitle?

I take it that you've never tried OpenELEC? Yes, it's very hard. Not nearly as easy as when you watch the show on a "normal" computer.

Many thanks for this attitude.

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I mean, we can spend 30-40-50 min or more for every subtitle but will be awesome if you can have them in a sec?

I take it as you never tried to read it !




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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  • 3 weeks later...

Personally, I don't know what all the fuss is about.
If I want subs, I download them through my browser.
Simple and effective.

This question about enhancements seems to have been answered many times.
It is: "We'll do it when it's the right time. Don't call us, we'll call you".

Maybe guys get into the habit of ordering pizza delivery one-way and want the same fit for everything.
What's better for moi.

Anyway, it's a big *yawn*.
Most of these complainers haven't even introduced themselves.

Let's move on, guys.
21 December is fast approaching.
Try to complete what's on your bucket list.

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