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Der Gorilla von Soho - 1968 - 5/10
AKA - Gorilla Gang

Visiting rich foreigners are murdered, then made to appear to be drowning victims.
Inspectors, following clues, soon wonder if an old gang has resurfaced.
Krimi mixes sexual innuendo, authoritarian silliness, and stretches of nudity.
For the latter, there is an underground camera club boasting dozens of unclad models.


The humor is not especially funny, running gags wear thin.
This seems like a color remake of Dead Eyes Of London, an earlier, and better Krimi.





Edited by Vultural


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Creep - 2004 - 5/10


Leaving the party, Kate tells friends she is going to a more exclusive soiree, where she plans to mount and bounce VIP George Clooney.
When she can’t hail a cab, she heads down the tube, intending to catch the last train.
Instead she falls asleep, and wakes to find a deserted Underground.
Well, not quite.
Aside from homeless, maintenance and security, there are a legion of rats.
And a furtive, murderous soul with inhuman strength and a limited wardrobe.
Pale Slasher entry takes place in tunnels, dank corridors, closed sections, forgotten chambers.
Though the plot springs fresh elements late, this is cheap copycat of better genre films.
LIGHT SPOILER – The denizen has apparently been active for a long time.
By implication, he has never targeted anyone who would be missed, and attract investigators.
Such logical precautions are inexplicably omitted on this night.


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Railroaded! - 1947 - 6/10

The masked goon, cocksure and aggressive, shoves the muzzle into the terrified doll’s face.
She shrieks, a nearby cop on the beat rushes over, and the robbery skids into chaos.
Hot lead spits across the room, leaving one dead policeman and a critically wounded thug.
For what, Junior?  Knocking off a beauty salon.
The other robber, the one who gets clean away, is a calculating block of ice.
He sets up a patsy, an innocent schmuck, a rube, because he is wise and cynical about lawmen.
He knows cops will embrace the frame, knows they are under pressure, knows they will railroad an innocent man in a breath.
Then, while police push the stooge towards the gas chamber, he makes a play for the rube’s sister.


Middling Noir starts strong and the finish is a tour de force.  In between, it shuffles indecisively.
Mystery, police procedural, romance, thriller.  Blame the script, which cannot make up its mind.
Best is John Ireland as the dead eyed villain, more interested in his gun than men or women.
Much of this Anthony Mann film is quite dark (though later work would be darker), so view in a dimly lit room.


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The Song Of Names - 2019 - 7/10


The young violinist, unknown yet already heralded as a genius, disappears even as the audience fills the theatre.
Then there is nothing.  Decades pass, he seems erased from the planet.
Via flashbacks, he arrives from Poland to England in 1939.  September arrives, Germany invades Poland, Europe is engulfed in World War II.  Blitz ravaged England becomes home to the prodigy.
Decades after the mysterious disappearance, the violinist’s childhood friend finds a loose thread.
From there, the reclusive history and fallout.
Time and again, when souls vanish, ofttimes they have their reasons.  Private reasons.


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Barneys Books And Bust-Ups: 50 Years Of The Booker Prize - 2018 - 6/10


Lightweight overview of the Booker prize.
Early days (including the sugar cane roots of Booker), growth of importance, controversies.
Most of the interviewees are winning authors and judges.
Prize money seems OK, the real aspect of the award lies in publicity and increased book sales.
Complaints include elitism, veiled lobbying, and surprisingly, from the winners, that owing to scheduled appearances, they usually cannot return to writing for a few years.
Nevertheless, readers (a dying breed) will find this entertaining.


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Ladies Who Do - 1963 - 6/10


A char woman finds a tossed cigar in the trash, wraps it in a scrap of paper, a gives to the retired Colonel, whose home she also cleans.
And that scrap of paper?  An internal memo from property speculators.
The Colonel phones his broker, shorts a position to the tune of £5000, and then cleans up.
He shares his profits, and the woman realizes she has a new tactic to save her block from - you guessed it - property developers.
Beady eyed satire strikes a lot of marks.  Class divisions, income levels, unions, police.
A bit dated, but the comedy rollicks along, and Peggy Mount is an unforgettable force of nature.


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Foto Proibite di Una Signora Per Bene - 1970 - 6/10
AKA - The Forbidden Photos Of A Lady Above Suspicion

“Today, I quit smoking, and drinking,”  Minou muses while lolling in the bubble bath.  “I ought to stop these pills, too.”
All the while, she puffs, pops and swigs.
Nerves, understand?  And she is a trifle unstable.
Minou then dresses provocatively, walks the wharf at night, and attracts a stalker.


Too late, she is in deep to blackmail and sexual gamesmanship.
Early “erotic thriller” boasts plenty of skin, hardly any nudity.
The plot layers madness with tension, ending with a satisfying who and why.


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Black Magic:  Part 2 - 1976 - 6/10
AKA - Gōu Hún Jiàng Tóu//  勾魂降頭


In name sequel to the 1975 feature boasts the same cast, though in different roles.
Here, Lieh Lo plays the scowling, evil magician who needs breast milk to remain young.
Using blood magic, the shaman gains control over females, then increases their milk production by mixing their pubic hair into a potion and having them drink.
If one perishes, no biggee, he just turns them into zombies and adds to his cellar collection.
The film has a dozen ideas and plots, and is equal measures manic and zany.
Events bound at a breathneck pace in this laugh out loud and terribly politically incorrect film.
Meaning, even our “heroes” display a profound lack of restraint (midnight graverobbing, anyone?).


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Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu - 2019 - 7/10
AKA - Portrait Of A Lady On Fire

A female painter takes a commission to paint an unwilling subject.
The subject, Héloïse, is intended in marriage to a Milanese noble, per review of the portrait of her.


Héloïse lives on an island in Brittany.  The household, one gathers, has seen better days.
Reviews have trumpeted the forbidden love angle, but that is only a part of a mix that combines romance, exploration and discovery.
(Male reviewers often jump in breathless exclamations whenever they see females in physical relationships.  LGBT likewise shout,  “Us!  Us!  Us!”, though they are under-represented so I understand the reaction more.)


Sets are austere, settings range from bright, windy shoreline to candle lit chambers.
The pace is unhurried, in this story of expressions, observation and self-awareness.

Edited by Vultural


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Die Muse Des Mörders - 2018 - 6/10
AKA - The Murderer’s Muse

Blue smoke curls from the crushed cigarette, drifting away like memories best forgotten.
The glass of wine Is now lukewarm, sour, like the restless audience that came to see a has-been.
Madeleine, the matriarch of crime fiction, has outlived her era.
Her books sell poorly.  Younger generations want flashier, if lesser, writers.


Out of the blue, an unknown killer leaves a victim, and stages the scene from an episode in her book.
Even better for her comatose career, he / she proves to be a serial killer, copying from more of her novels!
Murder, ain’t that a kick?
Decent mystery / thriller is predictable, but has sharp dialogue.


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The Devil’s Honey - 1986 - 5/10
AKA - Il Miele del Diavolo

Cecilia is in love with saxophonist Gaetano.
Though he is domineering and demanding, his instrument purrs her fancy.
Then an accident, surgical errors, and Cecilia is left lonely.
Where most would be steeped with regret, she is aflame with vengeance.


I’m unsure how to categorize this Fulci flick.
It is so over the top with sexual misbehavior, layers of domination, trashiness.
Nudity throughout.  A saxophone solo is unforgettable, as is bright red nail polish.
Let’s not forget collars and leashes!
Although steeped in sleaze, a series of flashbacks add depth to Cecilia’s character.

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Inside The SS - 2017 - 5/10


Indifferent account of the SS, pushed by a droning narrator, the script peppered with ongoing judgments.
Perhaps just as well, because this is primarily interviews with ex SS servicemen.
The elite, the cream.  While a few are remorseful, most remain unrepentant.
Proud of their service, justified in their actions, many still attend SS conventions.
Afterward, I wondered how strong was their indoctrination.  Is racial hatred simply in our DNA?
Or, as a species,  are humans flat out not so great as we think we are?
The color work of this is quite good.


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Relic - 2020 - 6/10

When the 80 year old mother does not answer the door, the sheriff phones her daughter.
Daughter Kay and her daughter, Sam, drive to the lonely country home and discover Gram is missing.
The community searches the woods in vain, and the two females began cleaning the home.
And then Gram returns, in and out of cognizance.  One minute, razor sharp, the next a mind fog.


There is something wrong, however, very wrong.
The older woman insists “something” got into the house, though clearly she suffers dementia.
Very much a psychological horror / closet horror, with three characters.  The three female generation.
Along with the riddle of the house, with develops throughout the film.
Female viewers may value this more than males.
May also intrigue the Aickman - Ligotti contingent.


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Hope Gap - 2019 - 6/10


Study of a marriage coming apart.
Grace has provoked Edward for years already.
Trying to get her reserved husband to show signs of life.
Yes, he is tired.  Tired of living with her.
Opposites attract, especially when we are young.
Yet over time, such polar attractions often reverse.  We have witnessed, we have been miserable participants.
Beautiful location filming, fine acting, though several sequences display stage roots.


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The Great Nazi Cash Swindle - 2004 - 6/10


Highly watchable documentary of a shadowy footnote in World War II.
Nazis decide to counterfeit Bank of English notes, then drop millions of them into the cities.
Afterward, rely on human greed and self-interest to hurl the country into financial chaos.
Interviews range from historians and financial experts, to a few, still surviving, actual counterfeiters, Jewish men from concentration camps.
The story takes interesting turns and will appeal to budding tycoons.
Nations have dodgy histories of counterfeiting during war times.  Perhaps during peace times, too!


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Mr Hacxx, how much does your Brave Browser cost?

How much money will I earn?  How much do you earn?

I was afraid to click your link in case it loaded spam onto my computer, or in case it ended up hurting this site.


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