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Subtitle Edit (open source subtitle editor)


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Hello Nikse,

When I want to "fix common errors --------> fix common OCR errors (using OCR replace list)", SE finds "gotta" error and fix with "got to";


Is it bug or I need to update OCR list?

BTW, many thanks for the great works bow.thumb.gif.2b0703f3c3601c5466786be6c4

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Hi hadilan,


Yeah, this is a bug... you can remove the word pair from the "eng_OcrFixReplaceList.xml" file, like this: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/commit/1fd26db4d07eb686d1dd79755b11b47d0cb448d8#diff-8ee2fd20f688b9f38a5eea7f10d17009

or use latest beta: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases/download/3.5.9/SubtitleEditBeta.zip


Your're welcome and thx :)


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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Bonjour à tous les francophones,

Voilà, j'ai un problème avec Subttitle Edit qui du jour au lendemain n'a plus de son. Y avait du son hier, y a plus de son aujourd'hui (anciens, nouveaux fichiers, pas de son).

J'avais la version 3.5.9 donc je fais une mise à jour avec la dernière version 3.5.14, mais toujours pas de son. Et sous la vidéo est apparu "VLC lib dynamic (?). Mon VLC est toujours la dernière version 3.0.8. J'ai toujours Windows 7 vu que le 10 passe pas sur mon PC.

Voilà, je tourne en rond, car je ne trouve rien sur le net pour ce problème. Si quelqu'un avait une réponse parce que sans le son, pour resynchroniser, c'est pas terrible.

Bonne soirée

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Vous savez qu'en bas à gauche du bloc vidéo dans SE il y a aussi un contrôle de volume?

Essayez avec Options-Configuration-Lecture Vidéo si cela fonctionne bien si vous utilisez Direct Show au lieu de VLC.

Salutations des Pays-Bas et bonne soirée!

Edited by BorisVictor
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Merci à BorisVictor qui a résolu mon problème avec sa question toute bête sur le contrôle de volume, dont j'avais oublié l'existence, vu qu'il a toujours été bloqué à sa plus simple expression, juste un minuscule point bleu que je n'ai jamais pu bouger. Donc le son, je l'ai toujours réglé avec les haut-parleurs et dans Windows.Un de ces bugs étranges qui m'arrivent parfois. Et qui décident un beau jour de se résoudre tout seul.

Désolée de ne pas y avoir pensé.:t1202:

Bonne journée à tous

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, everyone :)

I don't think it's an issue (more like a mistake on my part), but here goes: Sometimes, when I want to type, say, the French Ç using alt+128, the numeric keypad is unlocked without me noticing, because I accidentally pressed the "num lock"-key next to it. And then, when it is, the cursor goes suddenly to the very last subtitle to write there my letter. I hate when that happens it is very disturbing!

It is a sooo stupid mistake, but it took me a while to figure it out (I even checked aaaall the shortcuts on the list to see if I didn't assign a new one by mistake). But I had to laugh at my silliness very loud, then...

So basically all I'm saying is: if you're trying to type a foreign character or whatnot using the keypad, and Subtitle Edit reacts funny, check first if the "num lk" 's small light is on or off!!!

That's it. Just in case someone out there is as silly as I am using computers, sometimes :02:

Have fun, have a great day :D


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I have a txt file that contains the very few characters I use, that are not on my keyboard. Then I just copy and paste rather than having to remember the alt+numbers. You might find that helps your issue.

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Windows has a handy utility, Character Map (charmap.exe), which helps you locate non-standard characters such as foreign letter accents and even Arabic letters. It's located in the system32 folder of your Windows directory. I have a shortcut on my taskbar so it's always easily available.





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Hi, I'm pretty sure bird didn't ask for help locating accented characters ? Just noticed that when typing certain combos on the num pad, if num is unlocked, you get the equivalent of arrows , page up or down... These are visible on my keyboard but it's not always the case.

Also, in French we use lots of accents and the accented letters are available on our keyboard so I wouldn't switch to a US keyboard (which is not mapped the same as a French one). We get to use the ALT-key combos only for some accented caps or rare special characters and I learn most of them thanks to CharMap (like chile-verde, I have it in shortcut on my taskbar).

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:) Indeed, I wasn't. Still, huge thanks for all the input, guys, and the (unrequested) help! -it might just be the best kind...

I used a non-French keyboard once, and did get used to those dead keys. Handy they are, but like mielb said, the French language uses so many accented letters, it gets impractical in the long run. I found that learning the few that aren't on the keyboard via those alt combos, is still the best option to save time... Well, it usually is... Except for the slip ups I was mentioning. I didn't know the character map -thingy tough. I made a shortcut as well, just in case ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Cheers to all, especially to Nik for making such an awesome piece of software.

I have a question. I save all my files in EBU (.stl) format + UTF-8 with BOM. 

However, when I exit program and start it again, it always reverts to 1252: Western European (Windows). 

Is this a bug or a feature? 


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1 hour ago, ToniDjugum said:

I have a question. I save all my files in EBU (.stl) format + UTF-8 with BOM. 

However, when I exit program and start it again, it always reverts to 1252: Western European (Windows). 

Is this a bug or a feature?

He, mostly a feature...

SE does not use the encoding from the toolbar when saving in EBU stl - because ebu stl is more a "binary" format. In File - EBU stl properties, you can choose the internal text encoding for EBU stl.

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  • 2 months later...

Greetings to all!
Does anyone know the current and a live address where to send some wishes on the SubtitleEdit functionality?
I have been sending mine for a long time on the ones I found in the "Help", but I am not sure that they have reached the development team.


I am absolutly stupid!!

Nikse !!

Hi and a very many thanks for you programm.

It would be really cool to have an ability to remove color (color tags) with automatic dash in dialogs


Edited by 7kozlov
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Hello there !

Something weird is happening with my SE lately: it's working fine (and me too, editing and translating) and all of the sudden, the video stops, stays where it was, and the waveform shows the last subtitle. And no mater where I click or double-click (the current line I'm editing), it stays there. I have to save, restart, and then it goes on where I was. No real big trouble, just found it worth pointing out. (I upgraded to 3.6.6; same thing)



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On 7/11/2022 at 7:43 PM, kinglouisxx said:

Hi, @7kozlov

Have you tried that plugin?

No, not yet. Thanks.  I thought it only changes the tags of text color, not removes them. I'll try it. Great!

added    Thank you very much. It works perfectly


Edited by 7kozlov
It's working!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way to easily edit a plugin?

The American to British one saves a lot of time, but I still have to do a spell check, as there are some it misses. Mostly words that have Z where we'd use S.

Edited by Pindiu
minor edit
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