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Subtitle Edit (open source subtitle editor)


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Hello Nikse,

I did write you an email some time ago, with about a little feature amelioration in the OCR phase.

When using SE OCR, sometimes it doesn't reconise some caracters. Then a windows open where you can correct these (see screenshot SE-1 & 2).
When corrected, the line appears yellow, but not always sometimes they are green like normal lines, like sometimes SE automatically put a line yellow, when it see's a error with I (l or L). That's OK.

It would be great, if you could implemente a new color, with the lines you have manually corrected, say blue or whatever color, so you would directly see after OCR is finished, I always do a manual do-over of the final result, and if these corrected lines had a different color, you would automatically these are OK, it would be a great time saving feature, if you use SE ripping vobsub files daily.
Hope you understand what I mean.

I would do it myself, having dabbled a bit with VS2005 in C# & VB.NET, I did have a quick look at the source code, but I cannot implement this, my dev still are too limited, and nearly 8 years having done no coding


Edited by mstoll
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Hello Nikse,

I just charged the code of SE 3.4.6, and I'm looking how to change the line colors, like explained 2-3 posts ago.
But I can't seem to find it, find the 3 files "ColorChangeEventArgs.cs, ColorHandler.cs and ColorWheels.cs", but these 3 files having nothing to with the line colors. From what I understand in your comments, it have something to do with choosing colors, but not the color lines !!! Maybe I'm wrong.

If you could point me to the files where you have programmed when the OCR decide between green and yellow lines, that would be a great help.


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  • 3 months later...

Although no1 posted anything since May I believe it's worth mentioning that program is in active development, 
and that version 3.4.8. was released just couple of days ago, with some improvements and fixes:

You can get it here:

Subtitle Edit


Edited by anchorsound
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  • 1 month later...

SE 3.4.9 is out now: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

A huge number of minor fixes/improvements - especially regarding the waveform / spectrogram (thx jdpurcell)
See more in the change log: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/master/Changelog.txt


@mstoll: sorry about the late answer...there's some coloring code in VobSubOcr.cs - not too pretty though:

                if (wordsNotFound >= 3)
                    subtitleListView1.SetBackgroundColor(listViewIndex, Color.Red);
                if (wordsNotFound == 2)
                    subtitleListView1.SetBackgroundColor(listViewIndex, Color.Orange);
                else if (wordsNotFound == 1)
                    subtitleListView1.SetBackgroundColor(listViewIndex, Color.Yellow);
                else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                    subtitleListView1.SetBackgroundColor(listViewIndex, Color.Orange);
                    subtitleListView1.SetBackgroundColor(listViewIndex, Color.LightGreen);

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Due to "Visual sync" always crashing and a "Fix common errors on selected lines" was bad a new release is out:

(the waveform also looks a bit different now...)

3.4.10 (6th October 2015)
* NEW:
   * Audio visualizer waveform filled - thx jdpurcell
   * Fixed crash in "Visual sync" - thx aMvEL / Bolshevik
   * Fixed "Fix common errors in selected lines" - thx ingo
   * Fixed audio visualizer "Seek silence" - thx jdpurcell
   * Fixed audio visualizer "Guess time codes" - thx jdpurcell
   * Fixed possible startup crash with tiny or bad video file - thx ttvd94
   * Fixed alpha in ASS styles - thx ravi
   * Fixed line splitter regarding unicode 8242 char


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  • 3 months later...


A while since last update, so 3.4.11 is out now:https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

Here is a shortened change log:

3.4.11 (16th January 2016)
* NEW:
   * New "Binary Image Compare" OCR
   * Installer can now set icons for SE - thx xylographe
   * Added "change speed" option in "Batch convert" - thx TomONeill
   * Added "Blu-ray sup" output in "Batch convert" - thx Dan
   * Improved spell check suggestions (I -> l) - thx Espen
   * Source view "replace all" much faster - thx adem0x
   * Batch convert now remembers ASS/SSA style - thx Thunderbolt8
   * Faster switching from source view to list view in main window
   * OCR Window: "Unknown words" is now tab one in the "log tab control"
   * "Normal (remove formatting)" don't remove Unicode chars - thx Fotis
   * Fixed bug in spell check "word replace" - thx Sami
   * Several fixes in remove text for HI - thx Thunderbolt8
   * Some fixes for Timed Text 1.0 - thx Stephan / btsix
   * Allow 2 bytes ms in format "ABC iViewer" - thx btsix
   * Some fixes for the "Advanced Sub Station Alpha" properties window
   * Fixed bug in color chooser - thx Thunderbolt8
   * Voikko (Finnish) spell check upgraded to 3.8 (fixes Win 8/10 issues) - thx Jari
   * Fixed bug in "Remove interjections" - thx Leinad4Mind
   * Display fix for frame mode - thx Moritz
   * Some fixes for updating/deleting custom output templates - thx Wolfgang
   * Fixed waveform seek silence - thx colemar

Enjoy and keep the subs flowing :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

New version just out :)

Some of the changes in 3.4.12 are:

* NEW:
   * "mpv" can be now used as video player (has precise seeking) - thx emk2203/aaaxx/lachs0r/rossy
   * Norwegian translation - thx Imre
   * Added new subtitle formats
   * Remove text for HI: Added Apply button - thx Splike/ivandrofly
   * Several fixes for Find/Count - thx André
   * Saving no longer requires exclusive access (regression from 3.4.11) - thx Whisker72
   * Spell check "change" / "change all" issue regarding dash - thx kurosu
   * Fix for "Spell check" auto-fix name - thx Chamallow
   * Better handling of spell check "Add to names list" (if name modified) - thx Chamallow
   * Fix for (sometimes) not restoring last focused line at startup - thx vmb
   * Fixed bug in "Fix invalid italic tags" - thx ivandrofly
   * Fixed crash when showing text "<i></i><i>..." - thx montillasauces
   * Fixed split when subtitle has no time code - thx João
   * Some fixes for line number in source text box - thx Ivandrofly

The "mpv" video player (just a single dll file) seems to work well - it has precise seeking which makes it better than VLC when working with waveform / spectrogram.

Download and full change log: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

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  • 2 months later...

Subtitle Edit 3.4.13 out: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

Some of the fixes:

   * Fix updating of main list view after "Remove text for HI" + "Apply" - thx Henry
   * Ctrl+Backspace in text box works better with html tags - thx xylographe
   * Drag'n'drop to subtitle list now supports ifo/vob/mp4/mks (with subs) - thx Budman
   * Spell check "Change" / "Change all" issue regarding brackets/dash - thx jc
   * Minor fix for "Toggle dashes" inside italic tag - thx Bryan
   * Set video position after "Reopen" - thx vmb
   * Adjust duration fixed for last subtitle - thx mariner
   * Fixed some "Remove text for HI" issues - thx Thunderbolt8
   * Fixed "Remove text for HI" issue - thx Andrew
   * Fixed "Add missing spaces" issue - thx Andrew
   * "Fix short display time" is improved even if chars/sec still high - thx Frédéric
   * Fixed validation of shortcuts in settings window - thx marb99/xylographe
   * Fixed spell check+angled quotes - thx claunia

Happy summer :)


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  • 3 months later...

Hi guys =)

I'm trying to work from windows XP. Before the installation of SE, the computer asks me to install .NET 4-4.6, but it's not compatible with XP, only vista and later.

Is there a previous version of SE which doesn't require this .NET Framework?

Many thanks =)

You need to realise you're only as awesome as you think you are.

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Microsoft ended support for Windows XP around March or April, 2014 if I recall, LittleDuck.

SE 3.3.15 should work.

Maybe some earlier versions of SE 3.4.x too-

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The chickens are revolting!

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  • 1 month later...

Subtitle Edit 3.5 out: https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

  • Can now generate scene changes (via FFmpeg) + other scene changes improvements
  • "Multiple replace" is now organized in groups
  • Many new subtitle formats
  • Many new shortcuts
  • Many fixes, e.g. in "spell check, "auto-translate", and "compare".


@LittleDuck: WinXP should work with .net 4: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/p/dotnet4xp/ (Windows 10 is nice too)

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Hi Boris,

Yeah... good question. It's actually requires FFmpeg and you must point to the FFmpeg.exe in SE under Options -> Settings -> Waveform - Path to FFmpeg


After doing this you can generate scene changes via Video -> Import scene changes...

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  • 4 months later...

SE 3.5.2 is out - https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases

Change log (partial):

  • Added optional list view columns "chars/sec" + "words/min"
  • New setting for waveform: Set video position when moving start/end
  • Added preview text inside video for "libmpv"
  • Fixed play current/selection not stopping - thx rhazor
  • Fixed fast forward waveform scrolling with mouse wheel
  • Fixed bug in spell check "change word" regarding "¿?" - thx locotus
  • Fix in "Fix common errors" regarding de-selected fixes - thx Tronar  
  • Fixed italic rendering issue in format DCinema SMPTE - thx Miga
  • Fixed bug in image export - thx marb99
  • "Fix common errors" - only delete/merge line still enables "OK" button
  • "Batch convert" - don't clear ASS/SSA style after format change - thx Thunderbolt8
  • Fix for multi-line italic in format TTML 1.0 - thx nathaniel1977
  • Fixed "libmpv" re-open video issue

Right click on header column to show/hide columns in list view (or use Options -> Settings)


Enjoy :)


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