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Hoping for Sto Para Pente English Translation


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Hey All, 

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. 

I was simply wondering if it be at all possible for someone to be able to translate the Greek series Sto Para Pente (Στο Παρά πέντε). 

I'm learning Greek to talk with my partners family and she says this is her families favourite show. 

After managing to catch a few episodes on YouTube (before copyright strikes occurred suddenly), I was really liking the show. 

Now I'm just wondering if people here are able to help me in this regard. 


Thank you very much for reading this post, I hope someone (if possible) are able to help. 


Kind Regards, 



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HI Niro,

Basically this is possible using one of the online translator sites. But you need to have the Greek subtitles. Can you find them anywhere?



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Greek subtitles for S01 & S02 are here > http://xsubs.tv/series/179/main.xml

Just as an aside, this search made me chuckle by reminding me of Blackadder's Born to Be King episode

Prince Edmund : Scotsmen are barbarians! Half of them don't even speak English!
Percy : Well, what do they speak?
Prince Edmund : Oh, I don't know. It's all Greek to me!
Percy : They speak Greek?
Prince Edmund : No, I mean it SOUNDS like Greek.
Percy : Well, if it sounds like Greek, it probably IS Greek.
Prince Edmund : It's not Greek!
Percy : But it sounds LIKE Greek..."What's not Greek, but sounds like Greek?" Hm, that's a good one, my lord!
Prince Edmund : Look, it's not meant to be a BRAIN-TEASER, Percy! I'm simply trying to tell you that I cannot understand a blind word they're saying.
Percy : Well, no wonder, my lord. You never learned Greek, of course.

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  • 3 months later...
On 8/18/2021 at 7:34 PM, NNiro said:

@RowanEleven would you happen to a good site for translating SRT's?

This one works quie nicely. https://translate-subtitles.com/en

You may have to wiggle and jiggle the greek originals around a bit before it works. I ususally have to convert them to UTF or ANSI first to make it appear in Greek and not in gibberish leters. Maybe it'll work for you right away. 

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Okay... this is a bit fiddly.

I could only download five subtitles. Now I have to wait an hour. I can't sign up for some reason. I only get error messages. Ho hum...

Thr subtitles are in some kind of gibberish. If you use Subtitle Edit 3.6 to open them (https://github.com/SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit/releases) You will see them in proper Greek. You might have to click on the "Encoding" dropdown near the top of the frame and choose Greek 1235 if it doesn't appear by itself. 

Then choose "UTF with BOM" in that encoding window and save the file using another name.

Then go to https://translate-subtitles.com/en choose your translation options and browse to the file you want to have translated (ie the greek one).

The new file will be downloaded automatically. 

I am sure, there are easier ways to do this... For one thing, SubtileEdit can translate to, but you need an API key and I haven't managed to acquire one. Some things just do not work for me... LOL!

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