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Subtitles Stopped


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You´re right, but i´m tired of spanish translations that are made fast and wrong, with wrong genders, meaning mistakes, and lot of things more. And i´m not an awesome english writer, but i like things doing the right way. That´s why i hate with all my soul dubbed movies and crappy translated subs, and because of that, now i only use english subs from addic7ed, because i rather to not understand and english word that a bad translation.

And I have to say that there is a lot of good spanish subs, the subs from Subs-Team.tv are really good, but the difference between they and Subtitulos.es is that the first one have and organized community of users and the last one doesn´t.

You can find 2 kinds of crappy translators:

- "google translators"
- people translating word by word, without even seeing the chapter. They usually don't make sense as they fail to read the context of the sentence, or even the gender of the speaker :D

I think a change will come to subtitulos and they'll get to have a more organized community, trying to filter crappy translators.
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Hello, first of all, please read that this is what I said to the OTHER website, NOT to this one. I think it's the best solution


Ok ya, en serio se quieren pelear por algo asi? me parece que AMBAS partes deberian hablar bien por messenger/correo/como sea, y dejar de ver el problema, y buscar una solución para esto, porque esto no satisface a ninguno de los dos lados.

Primero: Ellos dicen que no les damos crédito suficiente. Tak vez en parte tienen razón, si ellos dicen que algunos subtitulos les faltan créditos, creo que seria mejor decirles cuales son los subs que les faltan créditos y listo, todos felices, ellos obtienen lo que quieren y ustedes tambien.

Segundo: se están criticando entre lo que dicen los usuarios, cuando lo que importa es lo que dicen los que mandan en esta web, no? Tal vez no nos dimos cuenta y los que de verdad estaban de alguna forma "dañando" nuestra web, eran usuarios mismos que se veian furiosos por algo que no estaba para ellos completamente claro y simplemente tomaron la decisión que más rapida les venia a la mente.

Lo mejor es simplemente perdonarse cada uno por cualquier error que hizo, hagan lo que deban cada web para que estemos bien y en paz de nuevo y listo, no creen que sería lo mejor?



Ok stop, seriously do you wanna fight for something like this gabriel? i think that BOTH sides should talk now on messenger/e-mail/anything, and stop seeing to the problem and find a solution to this, cause this is not satisfying any of the sides.

First: They say we don't give them credit enough. Maybe they're right, if they say that some subs miss credits, I think that i would be better if we just ask them wich subs need the credit and we'll put them on it and that's it, everyone happy, they get what they want and you guys too.

Second: You're criticising between what USERS say, when what really matters is what the guys who own their websites say, right? Maybe we didn't realyze that the ones who are "messing" this site are users themselves from the other website that were angry for something that they weren't really clear about and they just simply took the fastest desition that came to their minds

The best is to simply forgive each other for whatever error they made, do what each website should do to everyone be happy and that's it. Do'nt you think that's the best we could do?

And admin please could you change my nickname to "haraop" without quotes please? i don't know it changed to my name ._.
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I apologize for some subtitulos.es users. It is an open wiki and there are many people who can do almost whatever they want. Many times our translations are spoiled by unqualified people, but it's a risk you face by having a open site. Sometimes people can upload subtitles removing(stealing) the credit of the authors and we, the regular users, didn't realize because we are not dedicated to compare subtitles.

This issues will be eradicated by a change in the web that will allow shared moderation very soon. Many times has been granted authorship to Addic7ed without problems but it is hard not to have bad users and very difficult to control for one lonely person.

I am not the web administrator but I want to apologize in my own name because some of us are full of shame for this behaviour. I don't have the whole truth, don't know of Gabriel thinking or if he has time for all the stuff that the web requires from him, but we are plenty of good people and is a pitty dirt their names because a few brainless ones.

And sorry for my English.


[...]it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.

Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor

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I've just received an email from subtitulos.es which I'll transcribe next:

Official english statement about this sad situation



As my english is not very good I'm going to keep it short:

We do not steal subtitles from any website.

We do translate subtitles from english and other languages into spanish (from Spain & South America)

The original english or other languages subtitles always remains intact with their original transcript or sync credits.

You can check that by entering the name of the website who is accusing us in the search box of our homepage Subtitulos.es or
and take a look at the results by yourself. We have more than 25,000 subtitles in our database and 99.99% is properly credited.

Our main rule is to respect everybody's work, if any of our users modify a credited subtitle before or after it is uploaded to our website, as soon as it get to our attention we warn this user and explain to him/her what is wrong. If the user repeats that bad behaviour it is banned.

I understand that when you read that no english subtitles are going to be released anymore you get angry, but you should always hear both versions before taking any actions against other people.

And of course better than any version are the
, and the fact is that you can browse our subtitle catalog and see that
99.99% of our users respect original subtitles
and they just want to translate them into spanish so we all can enjoy TV Shows.

I'll gladly answer any respectful question you have in this thread.

Kind regards,


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This is the kind of things that make this to not work well, and it's the bad use of information. This was NOT sent by an e-mail to him, this was a post they made on their website, and this is the kind of things that makes porblems :S


I've just received an email from subtitulos.es which I'll transcribe next:

Official english statement about this sad situation



As my english is not very good I'm going to keep it short:

We do not steal subtitles from any website.

We do translate subtitles from english and other languages into spanish (from Spain & South America)

The original english or other languages subtitles always remains intact with their original transcript or sync credits.

You can check that by entering the name of the website who is accusing us in the search box of our homepage Subtitulos.es or
and take a look at the results by yourself. We have more than 25,000 subtitles in our database and 99.99% is properly credited.

Our main rule is to respect everybody's work, if any of our users modify a credited subtitle before or after it is uploaded to our website, as soon as it get to our attention we warn this user and explain to him/her what is wrong. If the user repeats that bad behaviour it is banned.

I understand that when you read that no english subtitles are going to be released anymore you get angry, but you should always hear both versions before taking any actions against other people.

And of course better than any version are the
, and the fact is that you can browse our subtitle catalog and see that
99.99% of our users respect original subtitles
and they just want to translate them into spanish so we all can enjoy TV Shows.

I'll gladly answer any respectful question you have in this thread.

Kind regards,


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Hi u guys,
Unfortunatly I have to warn about what appears to be a virus on this site.
I was browsing the comments about this whole mess with the subtitulolol when a "ad"-site started to load in the background and suddenly AVG started to prompt me with trojan alerts, and I had to spend the next 2hours cleaning it up. I dont want to point fingers but Im pretty sure this wasn't admins work :P
Im not a 100% sure if it was this site but I would say 80% sure, I usually don't post messages like this if im not pretty sure, however it would be worth to look into, but I hope it's nothing.
This was also my first post on the forum, so I just want to grab the opportunity to thank you all for the subtitles you've brought to us, been a user of Addic7ed for over a year and I think your subtitles are the best :)

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It's a shame that you have to take this measure, but is more shame that there is some people that don't respect your work. Although I really need yours subs for watching the shows, I'm support your decision 100%.
I'm an occasional translator to Spanish, but in the past I had problems with users from subtitulos.es that give negative marks to my translations in other subtitle website until my subs were removed and substituted with ones from subtítulos.es translated using google. I know that my translations have mistakes, but at least are my work.
I'm Spanish and I feel ashamed that people with whom I share the same language (Spanish) are doing this.

P.S.: Apologies because my English is not very good.

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We have more than 25,000 subtitles in our database and 99.99% is properly credited.

By my math, that would be about 3 subtitles out of the 25,000 that are improperly credited. Seems dubious.
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Hi Admin,

Heard about your closure of Addic7ed site through hearing impaired groups due to Spanish people stealing all credits whatever you have. Sorry to hear about this case. But we all hope you can re-consider not to shut the great site as you have put in alot of real good efforts already. Not only this, we all hearing impaired populations rely alot on great english subs provided from Addic7ed. Yes, you truly have done us real favors :)

Pray that everything goes well on this disturbing case.

Founder of DeafPokerStars.com

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Ok, this is exactly what I received via email. The link they sent (via email) is the one I transcribed.


From: Información Subtitulos.es Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 7:52 PM To: * Subject: Re: addic7ed Hello,

we've just released an official statement about this sad situation we are being involved, you can read it here: http://www.foroseries.com/comunicados-oficiales/483-official-english-statement-about-sad-situation.html

Kinds regards,

Subtitulos.es TEAM

This is the kind of things that make this to not work well, and it's the bad use of information. This was NOT sent by an e-mail to him, this was a post they made on their website, and this is the kind of things that makes porblems :S


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I've always admired honeybunny and the others, so I really hope this can be solved in a way that every one can be happy. There are new shows and we all want to watch with subtitles.


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As I dont know much about subtitling, what I am gonna suggest might be impossible. Nevertheless, here it goes:
How about adding a line with different color on the bottom of EACH subtitle (not on start or end of the subs sequence) saying for example "By honeybunny for Addic7ed".
They 'd have to do a lot of work to remove the "watermark".

Now, concerning those a$sh0les on that site do you know of any programs to spam their inbox off with requests or any utilities to dos attack or whatever their site? Personally, I am willing to both spam their asses off (from an internet cawe of course where they use leased lines with superior upload speeds).

Also is it possible to post a template email (preferrably on initial post) to copy and paste? I am willing to email them from 3 different addresses, 5-6 times per day. If we all do so maybe something can be achieved.

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Weird, i'm browsing through the said spanish site archives and all the english transcripts i check do have the proper Addic7ed credits...did i miss anything?

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As I dont know much about subtitling, what I am gonna suggest might be impossible. Nevertheless, here it goes:
How about adding a line with different color on the bottom of EACH subtitle (not on start or end of the subs sequence) saying for example "By honeybunny for Addic7ed".
They 'd have to do a lot of work to remove the "watermark".

Open a text editor.
search for addic7ed.
delete lines.

While it is tempting to fight fire with fire, everybody tends to get burned in the process.
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Weird, i'm browsing through the said spanish site archives and all the english transcripts i check do have the proper Addic7ed credits...did i miss anything?

Honeybunny earlier gave this example (Criminal Minds 6x09).

http://www.subtitulos.es/criminal-minds/6x09 check this one with view and edit. it's the one elderman posted today. No credits whatsoever.

The non-HI FQM version posted by elderman shows 638 sequences in addic7ed.com. Credit info is at lines 52, 53 and 638.

The subtitulos copy posted by youneverknow has 635 sequences and all 3 credit lines are missing.
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here's my email:

A plea concerning the issue with Addic7ed.com subtitle site.

Hello there,

I am a regular user of the subtitles web site Addic7ed.com and I was saddened to hear that they are halting their subtitle releases because some people post subtitles from Addic7ed.com to your site, having the author and site credits removed.
I wouldn't accept for even a moment any excuse of ignorance from your side, nor any of the petty excuses stated on "http://www.foroseries.com/comunicados-oficiales/483-official-english-statement-about-sad-situation.html". Needless to say that I would not even bother to read any of your accusations about Addic7ed.com.

This is a really petty thing to do especially when the whole subtitling community is constantly threatened by antipiracy and intellectual rights agencies arround the world.
I 'm strongly convienced that you and your users have no shame doing this even though you do realise that it compromises every subtitling community on the internet.

This is a great shame for spanish people, especially considering the recent history of libertarian spanish heroes. More to that you remind of vagabonds of your history like Cortez who only cared for personal gain without any moral constraint.
I know that you re probably too thick to even shame a bit by my words, not to mention the suggestion I 'm going to make for the sake of ettiquette.

I hereby strongly recommend that you consider the vainness of your actions against Addic7ed.com and their subtitlers and withdraw them.
I believe they wouldn't mind if your users added their personal credits but leaving intact the credits to the original subtitler and Addic7ed.com.
Please consider contacting them, to find a mutually beneficial compromise such as the one I've just suggested.

Thank you for your time.

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sorry for the doublepost but heres a curious thing:
I downloaded subs for the latest "big bang theory" episode from tvsubtitles.net (who always credit adic7ed not only on subs but on download page too) and here's what the subtitle file contained:

/!\ No "Fake" All is Real /!\

00:00:15,738 --> 00:00:17,205
Okay, help me out here.

00:00:17,206 --> 00:00:20,842
How does an archeology professor
get that good with a whip?

00:00:20,843 --> 00:00:23,411
Maybe he took a class
at the adult bookstore.

00:00:23,412 --> 00:00:25,046
That's how I learned.

Next : (Complet)

To download the actual file you redirect on this site and click on the pub and wait 5 seconds on them. (A button "Download" will be displayed and click;))

www.dreamziptv.com/ (Disable Adblock Plus)

www.dreamziptv.com/ (Disable Adblock Plus)

www.dreamziptv.com/ (Disable Adblock Plus)
I removed the "http://" so that it isn't automatically linked from the forum
Contact: staff@dreamziptv.com (problems, help, suggestions)

Partners: www.seriessub.com - www.sous-titres.eu - www.addic7ed.com

this spam goes on and on for several lines

00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00
<font color="#ffff00" size=14>www.tvsubtitles.net</font>

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Hi, i just registered to the forums but i have downloaded subs from this page for a long time now. I have just read a post by a user on the subtitulos.es forum that says that he has been stealing some subs from this page and removing the credits, he says that the admin wasn't aware of this and asks for forgiveness. I'll paste the post here:

Hola yo llevo buen rato, aportando poco en los subtitulos y bueno si me banean por esto ni modo pero tengo que ser sincero, yo he quitado varios creditos... y ahora me siento mal shamed.gif sin embargo no decirlo estaria mal de mi parte, si me banean esta bien lo aceptare... Y cualquier cosa si se llega a solucionar el asunto de los subtitulos y si la huelga de los subs en ingles llega a su fin mejoraremos nosotros tambien y yo prometo mejorar si no me banea Gabriel...

Saludos y buen dia

So the way im seeing things, the admin of subtitulos.es didn't have all the fault. He might be negligible at some issues like banning and deleting comments but the users are causing this problem not the admins. I get that the admin should have controlled all this but maybe it got over him at some point. I fully support your decision but please let this be just for a couple of days or 1 or 2 weeks so the steam goes off. The more the users of both websites try to help their side the worst this goes because some of them speaks more than they should and some posts can be misinterpreted and start a fight out of nothing.

Thanks again for all the time you guys spent translating and making the subs, I love the website and would be really sad to see you go.

PS: sorry for my English, i'm Spanish speaking
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