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Subtitles Stopped


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Believe me, an email to him will not fix anything. :(

Unfortunate, the only way to hurt them is to dry the lake, meaning, make him suffer to offer quality subtitles to his users. Them, maybe, he will be willing to talk.

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Just sent few emails from different accounts... Hope it will help you - and help us :)

Poland is with you Honey Bunny :) best for you :)

ps is there anything we can do more?

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I'm pretty much new here. I came a couple of weeks ago, after almost a year in subtitulos.es, because I thought it was "messy", there wasn't anyone in control, and it was extremely hard to translate. It seems thet here is easier. Anyway, I can't help but being really sad about this hole thing, I love TV-series, that's the reason I spend some of my time translating...And now without this site, me and a lot of people like me, who like to see this shows as soon as possible, won't have that option. I really wish that this problem gets solve quickly. For what is worth, I feel thanksful for everything you do, and I ready to help everyway I can.

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If nothing else, this bit of news made me finally get off my ass (cyber-ass) and make a donation to addic7ed.com. Trying to write emails on this issue to help was one thing but I felt I needed to do more to show that addic7ed.com was important to me.

Thanks again for all your great subtitles.

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bad news...but I sincerely don't agree

imho, the good of internet is sharing and helping community/users even if it's w/out rewards.

hope you will solve the situation soon.

meanwhile we will all get better in english/american comprehension ;)

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Well, I tried a last attempt to be civilized here and I wrote to him in their forum:

Creo que con un sencillo: "me comprometo a evitar que mis usuarios copien directamente las traducciones de otros sitios y a mantener los créditos originales de los subs en inglés",
hubiese sido más que suficiente...

which translate as:

I think with a simple: "I commit to avoid that my users directly copy our translations from another places and to maintain the original credits of the english subtitles" would have been enough.

He answered:

Por mi parte no puede haber una disculpa pues aquí siempre se ha respetado el trabajo, propio o ajeno.

For my side I could never give an apology because I always respected the work, mine or from outside.

Of course, if that were true, any of this would have happened, and since he didn't even consider to have done anything wrong...
sadly, there is no much more to talk.

Thank you guys for all your support, I'm not the only one who wants this to be ended as soon as possible.

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Hi honeybunny. Needless to say Addic7ed.com has been a great help to me with English subtitles and to the hearing impaired community. It is a shame that some people steal your great work and claim it is theirs. What happened to intellectual property/copyright?

Is it possible to ban that website (IP address) and all to stem this problem?

Put a new subtitle translation (with a unique mistake or two or even a coded message). If they copy and paste it, then you can point it out to them that they stole it. See what they have to say then!

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Hi honeybunny.  Needless to say Addic7ed.com has been a great help to me with English subtitles and to the hearing impaired community.  It is a shame that some people steal your great work and claim it is theirs.  What happened to intellectual property/copyright?

Is it possible to ban that website (IP address) and all to stem this problem?

Put a new subtitle translation (with a unique mistake or two or even a coded message).  If they copy and paste it, then you can point it out to them that they stole it.  See what they have to say then!

hmm..good thinking, but I don`t think,, the person/s who did this, will do it in the next time ..

I`m totally pissed..I´m pissed of the situation, but I also support the decision to stop the subtitles atm.

My pissed email to subtitles.es :

hey there,  I´m a german user of Addic7ed.com, and believe me, I´m really pissed because of the circumstances, which force me to write you this mail ( I`m sure, a lot of users and friends of our site will do it too or almost have it done..) creating, syncing, translating,correcting and uploading these subs is hard work, and the only honour you getare the credits..it`s a shame to delete the origin credits and fake them as someone other`s own.. enough about shame, nearly.. a shame and at least very childish for an admin is non-answering mails for clearing the probs,to delete forumposts and to disable users, only to hide that you`re responsible for this totally shit.. okay, maybe not responsible, but you, you`re the admin of this site, and you have to take care, that such probs never happen, or in this case, never happen again.... so clear this shit, and talk with the admins of Addic7ed, cause your behaviour causes the subtitle-strike on Addic7ed, and thousands of innocent users have to live with the result of your behaviour. Bets are high, you`re atm  one of the most non-liked persons in www   Talk, communicate, solve the probs] Have a nice further evening (my time is 11:04 p.m. ^^)- and start thinking... greetz, ho3ll3nbraut

email gives an automated return e-mail, pasted further in this thread
this troll. I have no words....sorry for a little flame-style, but when I´m pissed, I´m not able to think clearly^^
best wishesand full respect @honeybunny and the hard working team,
gr33tz, ho3lly
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Hi, I feel kinda "the ennemy".

Just learnt about it, I'm really shocked about the news. Never thought a such great page as addic7ed would care about, nor make such an important decission as stopping the release of their subs. I "<3" honeybunny, as the main uploader of almost every TV show I follow. I still recall waiting for her subs to see the last episode of Lost several months ago.

If I'm not wrong (I joined the website recently, so I'm not 100% sure), everytime a sub is taken from Addic7ed and uploaded to subtitulos.es, credits are shown on the subs information, making reference to the original creators. I don't remember if inside the spanish version of the subtitle, we still keep addic7*d credits, but I guess it shouldn't be a problem at all to include it, or just to add a "translation from addic7ed subs" or something like that. As far as I've read, Gabriel is just pissed off because all the "inside" job spamming users to leave.

Anyway, I never felt as if the website (subtitulos) was willing to take credits for other's job. If this happened to be the case, I would leave inmediately. Of course you can't always control all the users and some may act "dirty" (and sometimes when you see how some random users translate using Google Translate, you'd like to be Dexter and play with them), but I think just politely reporting to an admin about the issue (not in a rude tone) should fix it.

I'm really sorry about this issue, I hope it will be solved out soon and both parts will come to an agreement. Regarding the English subs (never tried the Spanish ones), you do a great job.

P.S: honeybunny ftw!

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but I think just politely reporting to an admin about the issue (not in a rude tone) should fix it.

Sadly, we are been trying that for weeks... you know how many times he replied any email?
exactly, zero.

I'm really sorry about this issue, I hope it will be solved out soon and both parts will come to an agreement.

I hope that too!
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Allo tout le monde,

moi je traduis des ST en français. Et ma sources de ST (en anglais) est bien évidemment Addic7ed...

La Team SMX (dont je fais partie), a toujours laissé (et même avec fierté) les noms des créateurs, sync, resync
et bien entendu "for Addic7ed"...

Je trouve bien malheureux que des gens "vole" le travail d'autrui, un manque total de respect.

Espérons que la situation aboutira à un dénouement satisfaisant pour tous et ce, dans les plus brefs délais.

Vive Addic7ed !!!

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Hi, I feel kinda "the ennemy".

Just learnt about it, I'm really shocked about the news. Never thought a such great page as addic7ed would care about, nor make such an important decission as stopping the release of their subs. I "<3" honeybunny, as the main uploader of almost every TV show I follow. I still recall waiting for her subs to see the last episode of Lost several months ago.

If I'm not wrong (I joined the website recently, so I'm not 100% sure), everytime a sub is taken from Addic7ed and uploaded to subtitulos.es, credits are shown on the subs information, making reference to the original creators. I don't remember if inside the spanish version of the subtitle, we still keep addic7*d credits, but I guess it shouldn't be a problem at all to include it, or just to add a "translation from addic7ed subs" or something like that. As far as I've read, Gabriel is just pissed off because all the "inside" job spamming users to leave.

Anyway, I never felt as if the website (subtitulos) was willing to take credits for other's job. If this happened to be the case, I would leave inmediately. Of course you can't always control all the users and some may act "dirty" (and sometimes when you see how some random users translate using Google Translate, you'd like to be Dexter and play with them), but I think just politely reporting to an admin about the issue (not in a rude tone) should fix it.

I'm really sorry about this issue, I hope it will be solved out soon and both parts will come to an agreement. Regarding the English subs (never tried the Spanish ones), you do a great job.

P.S: honeybunny ftw!

Nope.... it wasn't spam... we are FREE and we decide what we do!!! Don't forget that... we don't belong to anybody or any website... we DECIDE what we want to do!

Some users stole word for word addic7ed spanish translation and this is not serious...

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Nope.... it wasn't spam... we are FREE and we decide what we do!!! Don't forget that... we don't belong to anybody or any website... we DECIDE what we want to do!

Of course, we all are free, it's not a job just a hobby and a willing to help other people! I was just referring by spam to pm's sent to subtitulos.es users, like "leave subtitulos, it sucks, join us". Ofc I don't think
addic7ed is to blame here, you can never control everything your users do at any moment; so if some of them use dirty stuff like that, the only way is to fix it when you learn it.

Some users stole word for word addic7ed spanish translation and this is not serious..

If this is true, it's really pathetic (and stupid btw). I mean I totally understand using addic7ed English subs for translation, but copy/pasting Spanish subs is out of question,
it's like "stealing". And the whole meaning of the site is providing subs for Spanish users: either you translate them, or upload a translated ones unedited. I think there should
be an arrangement, and just ban users showing this kind of behaviour.

@Kerensky, your e-mails were polite or aggresive? (just asking, I have no idea)
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Although the decision not to upload subtitles seems to me a bit drastic, I'm glad that has been taken against this cancer that is subtitulos.es.

That site is full of illiterates and trolls who would not know how to spell his own name. Because of the poor quality of their work (mainly latin-american), I have to thank them for being forced to download english subs from the original source (addic7ed) and learn a bit more English.

All my support to you, guys and many thanks for your good work.

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This site is the best and the fastest for subs in the net. It has a rich data base and archive for many shows and the most important thing - the transcriptions (the english subtitles) are source for many, many translators, including me. I'm using your subs for 2 years, because I translate them to bulgarian. Guys, there always will be such scumbags and thieves in the net. You can't stop them. Don't mind them,
just think how many thousand people around the world ar using your subs every singe day. A few hours after the show is aired, the subs are ready - only in this site! You are a great help and many people appreciate your work. Don't dissapoint thousands because of
five or ten dickheads. It is not worth it. You are the best there is, continue your work and ignore the bad people. They'll have it,
soon or later and gonna regret about the things, they've done. Thank you, guys!!

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Well, that sucks, but I'll sit tight and support you!

I haven't looked at any other subs site out there since I found this one. It was pretty obvious that other sites were getting their subs from here.And the ones that didn't come from here were all crap.

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That´s so sad.

I´m an spanish user of Addic7ed and I´m so ashamed of reading this. I use english subs because most of Spanish subs are crappy and with I think that English subs are better for my english.

I hope this ends soon, because I need subs from Addic7ed, I will help with an e-mail to subtitulos.es.

I apologize for that spanish users, we´re all not the same.

I don't think all Spanish subs are crappy, it just depends on the translators. Subs from Huesario for Smallville are really worth it, or for Desperate Housewives from Mujeres-Desesperadas. It's just a matter of proper translators and not having random translators using "google translate".

BTW, Gabriel just made a statement about the subject: http://www.foroseries.com/comunicados-oficiales/483-official-english-statement-about-sad-situation.html (I apologize if linking to the site is forbidden)
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