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Subtitles Stopped


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Have you seen the latest subs on "the other site"?
The Italian subs are from an italian site (U can see the credit at the end of the sub) e the other are taken from other sites...
The people from "the other site" yelling about how fast they are, and that they didn't steal subs, but looks like that there is no subs on "that site" in the last 24 h that are made from "that site"...
The subs they have (a very few by the way) are from other sites....
Good news: they let the credits on the subs.

Well, people from "other site", the evidence is in front of everyone's eyes:
Addic7ed stop to release subs, and .... TA-DAAAAA, "your site" have no more subs, and the few that U can find are taken from other sites!!!

(ps: the italian subs taken from an italian site, are exactly the same, but with different author... Well, I learn something new today: "Author" = someone that download something from somewhere and post it somewhere else with his own name.... LOL) (at least, on the end on the sub you can read the italian site name, so thank you New Author! lol)

Sorry for my poor English, but I'm from Italy.
I hope everyone understand.

Zero Empire

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'Kerensky' wrote:
You know you're saying that you don't care about quality at all, right?

Hi, Kerensky. Not at all. I do care, but there must be some equilibrium between
"quality" and "speed" of translation. For example, I think is surrealistic for
we -spanish speaking people- to wait a whole week for a "quality subtitles" to
see "Dexter", one week later or even two. I could wait forever a subtitle for
a good movie, perhaps, but that spirit doesn't apply to a weekly show, at least
in my opinion.

I don't want them perfect, I wan't them legible, understandable... and fast.

Both Addic73d and Subtitulos.es (each one in its own field) accomplish this

But, I repeat, today subtitulos.es did the job and very good indeed! And
Addic7ed was closed. So, I repeat again: nobody is indispensable. I still
believe that we are dealing here with a sort of "private war".

IMHO mulkurul has a point here. I will never support crappy subs, but on the other hand I don't see the point of waiting 4-5 days (as someone said other Spanish sites
usually take to do a translation once they have the original source) to have the perfect translation. It's not like you have to do a thesis on the chapter, so a regular
translation is fine.

It's a lot of work, especially when you deal with a lot of TV Shows, you have 2 ways to accomplish this: taking 4-5 days or having a lot of people involved. Subtitulos uses the second
way, and although often it's a handicap (google translators, jerks removing credits) it's also its best advantage, as subs are translated quite fast. I hope in the near future we'll have
an intermediate solution, with only people taking the translation seriously will be involved, but having the translation ready within the same day.

(...) Guess what else. Caprica is still missing the english sub (...)

Keep in mind that (and as we said several times), the goal of subtitulos is the Spanish version; the English one is just a tool. The reason for using 99% of the times the English version as base for translating is that usually English version is the first source of subs available. And, besides that, Addic7ed ones are IMO one of the best (or rather the best) subs available out there (in English). We never denied that.

There's some confusion as to the statement of not wanting and wanting credit. Addic7ed is not trying to take credit for the translations members/contributors do on the other site, but they should just add their credit to the subtitle, not REPLACE it.
and that is how it looks on their site, I did not change the colors or anything. The way that looks to someone using that subtitle is that the person there on that last line takes credit for all the work done from start to finish which is just absurd, they only did about 5-10% of the work it took to produce that entire subtitle.

I have to disagree:

-First of all, Alex28 stated that the only thing they want is that the original credits (English ones) remain untouched. Afaik, he's never referred to the Spanish ones.
-Seriously, 5-10%? I agree on subs made from scratch, but translation takes some time too ;)

Have you seen the latest subs on "the other site"?
The Italian subs are from an italian site (U can see the credit at the end of the sub) e the other are taken from other sites...
The people from "the other site" yelling about how fast they are, and that they didn't steal subs, but looks like that there is no subs on "that site" in the last 24 h that are made from "that site"...
The subs they have (a very few by the way) are from other sites....
Good news: they let the credits on the subs.

Well, people from "other site", the evidence is in front of everyone's eyes:
Addic7ed stop to release subs, and .... TA-DAAAAA, "your site" have no more subs, and the few that U can find are taken from other sites!!!

(ps: the italian subs taken from an italian site, are exactly the same, but with different author... Well, I learn something new today: "Author" = someone that download something from somewhere and post it somewhere else with his own name.... LOL) (at least, on the end on the sub you can read the italian site name, so thank you New Author! lol)

Did you take time to read at least 30% of the posts in this thread? You look kinda clueless. "The other site" never claimed to make subs on their own, their goal is the Spanish translation.Period.
Maybe you can learn another thing today: "Common Sense"=knowing the subject before giving random opinion.
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Well, I came here for my weekly dose of Smallville and was thoroughly dissappointed.

I had bought food and snacks and were ready for a hell of a night.

I knew addicted gave insanely fast subtitles, so I didnt think I needed to wait for subs before planning my night.

And here we are...

I know you are doing this for free and I have no right to bitch and moan.
I know this is my fault for assuming that the subs would be there.

But, really... You want to DRM subtitles for shows that are distributed after DRM was removed? (ILLEGALY mind you...)
What happens tomorrow when CTU decides to put their LOGO at the end of the show and then someone removes it and they stop ripping shows?

Your reward is that your work is fast and with quality. That's why I came HERE and no random spanish website.

It's a plain textfile, you will NEVER be able to stop people from stealing your work, why cause all this drama?
I think you are better of focusing your efforts on what you are good at and maybe making sure the "official" sub download sites in XBMC are not stealing your work.
At least then you can complain with XBMC and have that site removed. Right now you are screaming at a bully to stop hitting you, think it will work?

If you have quit forever, then all the respect to you. You gave a hell of a service for free and I am thankful for the time it lasted.
But if this is just a "strike", all it accomplished was that I no longer look at addicted with the same esteem.

<Drama> Now excuse me while I go eat cold food and watch some random infomercial on tv <suicide />.</Drama>

I agree with this fully.
+ If this site closes, another one will emerge and take it's place.
thank you Addic7ed and goodbye.
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I agree with this fully.
+ If this site closes, another one will emerge and take it's place.
thank you Addic7ed and goodbye.

And maybe it's the truth, world keeps moving. But I find some of the comments (I'm not referring to your comment ofc) made here by angry people not having
their subs are somehow disrespectful. Addic7ed has been doing a great job for free. Even if people don't agree with the strike, they should show some support IMO to the
crew that has been working to have this job done, instead of attacking them and talk about their ego. If I were in their place I'd be really disappointed.
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Did you take time to read at least 30% of the posts in this thread? You look kinda clueless. "The other site" never claimed to make subs on their own, their goal is the Spanish translation.Period.
Maybe you can learn another thing today: "Common Sense"=knowing the subject before giving random opinion.

Do YOU read mine thread?
I was talking about "people yelling about Addic7ed steal subs, or that tehy are faster and bla bla bla...", words about something not real, and everyone can see it now.

Thank U. Now I know what Common Sense mean: your reply is a perfect example.
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I only have to say that u will show nothing stoping ur english subs because at the spanish forum, ur own spanish mods have problems with others webs, even if this web take urs english subs like base for make theirs translations. Because at the end this problems born because spanish mods from this web have personals problems with spanish people from others webs. Im preatty sure that u did not knew about this or other web page that make theirs translations from yours english compilations. And maybe you will get the result, that this web never take again one english subs since here for they make their translations or that they put your name at their translations, but another one (maybe 1000 or more) are making the same right now and to another 200 or more different lenguaje than english right now.

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True true.

I have been to other websites today looking for Fringe, Supernatural and Medium subtitles. I still could not find the latter two. But for Fringe, there are alot of different ones out there, and each have their own "timelines". One of them has got to be the correct ones whilst the rest are all out of sync. Most do not have an opening. And the ones that have it have alot of mistakes. I am in a crisis now!

I hope this issue will get resolved soon and the website will be up and running again to benefit those in real need of subtitles. :)

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If you check some subtitles on tvsubtiles, like Grey's Anatomy 7x09 (http://www.tvsubtitles.net/subtitle-148696.html), they credit subtitulos.es and the vast majority says it´s a bad file.

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I'm not in one side or in another but i think this strike is an error because you close the access of the people to the american culture.People watch Fringe,Mad Men all US TV shows.If they don't have subs they don't watch your shows.For exemple,last night no Fringe to watch so i watch an Italian neorealist movie and after a nouvelle vague fench film.And you know what? i didn'y miss Fringe and the parralel worlds at all.So,if you don't want to share your culture with us,no problem we have ours and its better.Go on with the strike,you do us a favour!

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Do YOU read mine thread?
I was talking about "people yelling about Addic7ed steal subs, or that tehy are faster and bla bla bla...", words about something not real, and everyone can see it now.

Thank U. Now I know what Common Sense mean: your reply is a perfect example.

Mate, you're not defending Addic7ed but trying to attack subtitulos. Read your post again, you're onling referring to the fact that since Addic7ed stopped
their releases, releases in subtitulos are really slower (which it's not only true but also obvious). Where, for the love of god, did you read that Addic7ed stole
English subs from subtitulos? (as you only name both sites). That wouldn't make any sense, subtitulos just translate into Spanish!
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Thank you, addic7ed, for showing us that the international subtitle scene depends too much on you. I wonder if that will change from now on.

I think what we all want, and hope for, is for Addic7ed to continue to release the best subtitles that are out there, and thus also the best source for translators. They should really just be greatful for getting such great material to work with.
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And maybe it's the truth, world keeps moving. But I find some of the comments (I'm not referring to your comment ofc) made here by angry people not having
their subs are somehow disrespectful. Addic7ed has been doing a great job for free. Even if people don't agree with the strike, they should show some support IMO to the
crew that has been working to have this job done, instead of attacking them and talk about their ego. If I were in their place I'd be really disappointed.

Me too !
I hope the addict7ed team realizes that for 10 pissed and kind of jerky people, there is a lot more who understand their point of vue.

I'm not in one side or in another but i think this strike is an error because you close the access of the people to the american culture.People watch Fringe,Mad Men all US TV shows.If they don't have subs they don't watch your shows.For exemple,last night no Fringe to watch so i watch an Italian neorealist movie and after a nouvelle vague fench film.And you know what? i didn'y miss Fringe and the parralel worlds at all.So,if you don't want to share your culture with us,no problem we have ours and its better.Go on with the strike,you do us a favour!

:D Is that a joke ? Now, addic7ed is responsible for a potentiel american culture's decadence. Next, they are responsible for global warming as we spend so much time on our computer watching tv shows.
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I'm grateful for every subtitle i ever downloaded here.

But stopping the release of subs for PIRATED videos because someone PIRATED them... just blows my mind.
By this logic it would be okay for Addicted if no new episodes will be released from the production companies, because they are anonymously ripped and distributed?

Again, while it is hard work you do, you still use (mostly) pirated copies as a source. Being cranky because someone used them without credit really is a prime example of IRONY!

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Not a joke at all.I don't like this feeling of being an hostage by kids with ego problems.What do you want ? spanish mediocre people throwing petals of rose and saying you are our gods?You don't have the guts to be on strike ONE MONTH because every second you loose on strike people go to other sites and never come back..So cut the crap,you don't make the shows,you don't write the shows,only syncronise them.

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There are posts making it clear, some people are having
very strong problems getting the point, or furthermore,
wrapping their mind around the principle.

It's the way how we, humans, are treating each other.
Maybe it's even about the challenge, not to revert
back in evolution, just because the internet makes
it so easy. When we leave a post, here, at some
other site, we are communicating with real people.
Sounds trivial? Now, it seems it has to be stated.

How do we want the world to be?
Every place we create, is an example,
how we do decide to behave ourselves.

Ignorance is dangerous. At some point
in time, the people, from whose we
receive things we love, and take
them for granted, may just stop,
having enough, it's about caring
about each other. It's about some
damn simple things, that in a sad, in
a scary way, dissolve before the keyboard.

Another thing, that people here in germany
love to do, is to compare apples and oranges.
And see themselves approved in their intellect,
because of their own pseudo-argumentation.

Now, of course one could answer:
"Yo mother, Mr. Universe!"

However, my mother has a formal education
in the field of selling apples and oranges.

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Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.

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But, really... You want to DRM subtitles for shows that are distributed after DRM was removed? (ILLEGALY mind you...)
What happens tomorrow when CTU decides to put their LOGO at the end of the show and then someone removes it and they stop ripping shows?

Your reward is that your work is fast and with quality. That's why I came HERE and no random spanish website.

It's a plain textfile, you will NEVER be able to stop people from stealing your work, why cause all this drama?
I think you are better of focusing your efforts on what you are good at and maybe making sure the "official" sub download sites in XBMC are not stealing your work.
At least then you can complain with XBMC and have that site removed. Right now you are screaming at a bully to stop hitting you, think it will work?

If you have quit forever, then all the respect to you. You gave a hell of a service for free and I am thankful for the time it lasted.
But if this is just a "strike", all it accomplished was that I no longer look at addicted with the same esteem.

I couldn't agree more. Yes addic7ed has proven to be the best and the source that all the other site's are using but that is something the everyone knew all along.

I really don't see a point in this action. As Shankster stated it is obvious that you will NEVER be able to stop someone from copy/pasting your subs. Stopping with publishing of subs completely because "someone" is stealing your work is pointless. Yes, Subtitlos.es was getting subs from you and it was nice for them. They will continue with what they have and that's it. Do you think they will stop their website because they can't get subs from you?
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I couldn't agree more. Yes addic7ed has proven to be the best and the source that all the other site's are using but that is something the everyone knew all along.

I really don't see a point in this action. As Shankster stated it is obvious that you will NEVER be able to stop someone from copy/pasting your subs. Stopping with publishing of subs completely because "someone" is stealing your work is pointless. Yes, Subtitlos.es was getting subs from you and it was nice for them. They will continue with what they have and that's it. Do you think they will stop their website because they can't get subs from you?

take a look at their site and you'll see how it can affect them... how many files released since HoneyBunny stop releasing hers ? ... yes! you've got your answers ! tongue.gif
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First, I want to thank you addic7ed and the people behind it for your great work.
You make it possible for subbers world-wide to get quality translations out, and fast.
I completely sympathize with your frustration, and with any action you feel you need to take.
It happens to us too, and I saw here comments from other subbers from other countries
telling, sadly, a very similar story.
If this action has negative influence on me, so be it. It is your right.

Credit for us hard working-for-free people in the subbing scene is the only 'payment' we get for our efforts.
Removing it has absolutely no excuse. We should have zero tolerance for it.
Not for the person uploading, and not for the person in charge of the "site" where it happens.
If you can't control your site, let others help with moderating, or close it down.

For those who say a 'strike' will have no effect, that 'other sites will spring up in no time', etc...
You are wrong, and I'll tell you why.

I think there are two categories of people who use addic7ed's english subs.
The 'general populace' - those that use the english subs for watching the shows,
and the 'international subbers' - those that use addic7e'd closed-caption rips (English subs)
as a basis or reference for doing subs in their own languages. (sometimes using just
the English text to help with 'hearing', and sometimes also using the sync structure).

From the first type, you won't get anything, except for some rare generous souls.
They come here to 'get the stuff', they don't care about anything else.

But the second type, they know what kind of work you put in.
And even for those of them that are selfish, they still need your stuff.

Let's think for a moment about Spanish subbers affiliated with that site.
Because of their 'master's' actions (or lack of actions), they can no longer supply
the Spanish subtitles to their audience. Anyway, not without much more effort.
(BTW, I completely disagree with the statements made here that translating is only 5% of the job,
but that is a different subject).

Their audience come complaining to them.
Their well is dry. Because of their master. They pressure him to 'do the right thing'.
Maybe not because they are righteous people, but because they are practical.
Waiting for some other random subber group from another country to do the translation
from hearing? Very bad. First, you need to understand their language.
Most subbers know well their target language, and English. Not a third one. (which will
be different randomly on every release, because another group from another country will
bother to do the translation by hearing).
Second, that other group translated by hearing. Surely they will have mistakes.
Now you will copy their mistakes (and maybe add your own).

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