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Subtitles Stopped


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no. you take action to protect those who you want back.

"Fringe" and "The Mentalist" were translated by Subtitles.es on time (say 2 hours)
and with -in my opinion- quite good quality. The source of "Fringe" was in italian,
and the result was nice. And "The Mentalist" was translated from a U.K. english

Nobody is indispensable. Subtitles.es has a "brainstorm" way of translating that
sometimes becomes a mess, spaniards discussing with latinoamericans about this
or that word... but they do the job. Other spanish-speaking webs (i.e. Subs-team.tv,
TheSubFactory) take their time, maybe 3-4 or more days to make a subtitle, which
is nonsense. Subtitles are not supposed to be literature's works of art but only
this, simple subtitles to help people of other latitudes to enjoy their favorite
shows. That's it.

Internet (as I wrote in my former message and many of you also mentioned) is a huge
and vast ocean of knowledge. It's hard to imagine our present lives without this
big help which encompasses culture, entertainment, news, media, almost in real time.

Therefore, I think that is naïf to pretend the "copyright" of a subtitle translation
or, at least, it seems very unrealistic to me. I agree that Gabriel should increase
his control of the final product (among these improvements, he should keep credits
of original sources like Addic7ed) but I glimpse here other deeper and older
problem: an old rivalry and ego-fight between the two sites. There's a lot of things
that we -as simple downloaders- probably ignore... and don't need to know.

Both sites have their own merits. Sometimes when I'm anxious to see a show, I download
directly the Addic7ed english version (without the hearing impaired onomatopoeias, if
possible!), some other times I wait for the subtitulos.es' translation latinoamerican
version, also if possible.

I respect both works, they are truly valuable for thousands and thousands of people.

This discussion is not. Instead, is petty, arrogant and pointless, is just a tantrum,

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Anyway is clear to all that all other sub sites just take thier stuff from here: no subs are available for the new stuff in addic7ed.com and so on any site on the net... :rolleyes:

What? They're ''on strike'' them too???? :lol:

Suckers...................................................... B)

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One question for the admins: It would be fine if subtitulos.es wouldn't allow the download of english subtitles obtained from you? Only using them as a basis for the translation?


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One question for the admins: It would be fine if subtitulos.es wouldn't allow the download of english subtitles obtained from you? Only using them as a basis for the translation?


If they maintain the original credits, we never had problems for others websites to publish them as well.
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Maybe honeybunny and the rest of the addicted staff should take a long vaccation and see how you all like that.
Because if they re not going to get any support and all they get is accusations, maybe they should show you what it's like without them.

or maybe the site should change to give fast access to subs only to those who donate. The rest should get the subs with a day's delay. maybe this will make you appeciate their efforts.

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Well, first, THANK YOU ADDIC7ED for your great subtitles. ( I love honeybunny)

I hope this problem end soon...i really need english subtitles...specially today with Supernatural

Please don't punish us Addic7ed today is a special day ( Supernatural, Smallville,Sanctuary)

This is probably a stupid question...but

Can you continue the STRIKE tomorrow? oh wait..

pd: i am sorry dean, sam,clark kent, magnus...you'll have to wait a little.

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Subtitles are not supposed to be literature's works of art but only
this, simple subtitles to help people of other latitudes to enjoy their favorite
shows. That's it.

You know you're saying that you don't care about quality at all, right?

I agree that Gabriel should increase
his control of the final product (among these improvements, he should keep credits
of original sources like Addic7ed)

At least I agree with this part too.
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"Fringe" and "The Mentalist" were translated by Subtitles.es on time (say 2 hours)
and with -in my opinion- quite good quality. The source of "Fringe" was in italian,
and the result was nice. And "The Mentalist" was translated from a U.K. english

Nobody is indispensable. Subtitles.es has a "brainstorm" way of translating that
sometimes becomes a mess, spaniards discussing with latinoamericans about this
or that word... but they do the job. Other spanish-speaking webs (i.e. Subs-team.tv,
TheSubFactory) take their time, maybe 3-4 or more days to make a subtitles, which
is nonsense. Subtitles are not supposed to be literature's works of art but only
this, simple subtitles to help people of other latitudes to enjoy their favorite
shows. That's it.

Internet (as I wrote in my former message and many of you also mentioned) is a huge
and vast ocean of knowledge. It's hard to imagine our present lives without this
big help which encompasses culture, entertainment, news, media, almost in real time.

Therefore, I think that is naïf to pretend the "copyright" of a subtitle translation
or, at least, it seems very unrealistic to me. I agree that Gabriel should increase
his control of the final product (among these improvements, he should keep credits
of original sources like Addic7ed) but I glimpse here other deeper and older
problem: an old rivalry and ego-fight between the two sites. There's a lot of things
that we -as simple downloaders- probably ignore... and don't need to know.

Both sites have their own merits. Sometimes when I'm anxious to see a show, I download
directly the Addic7ed english version (without the hearing impaired onomatopoeias, if
possible!), some other times I wait for the subtitulos.es' translation latinoamerican
version, also if possible.

I respect both works, they are truly valuable for thousands and thousands of people.

This discussion is not. Instead, is petty, arrogant and pointless, is just a tantrum,


I agree 100% on your comments . and will ad the following
Never forget " The customer is the King ".
And also will ad " The only ones who suffer to this scenario of arm-wrestling , are we the Internauts .
So please go back to your normal scence and give us the pleasure of having you back .

P/K : the work for ALL the guys involved in Sync and download of Subs , is SUPERB !!!!
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If they maintain the original credits, we never had problems for others websites to publish them as well.

But since subtitulos.es is mainly dedicated to translation, wouldn't it be better if you couldn't download the original english sub from there? Alex28 said it wasn't about getting the credits in the translated file but in the original. If original file can't be downloaded you'd always had to go addic7ed to get it (and those are perfectly credited).

Gracias Kerensky
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But since subtitulos.es is mainly dedicated to translation, wouldn't it be better if you couldn't download the original english sub from there? Alex28 said it wasn't about getting the credits in the translated file but in the original. If original file can't be downloaded you'd always had to go addic7ed to get it (and those are perfectly credited).

Gracias Kerensky

That question, as you already know, have to be done to their admin.

Sure, np.
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k tired of that kid play lmao...sure addic7ed are freakin fast to get subs out and the susb are always perfect....but this is becomign stupid lmao..anyways i foudn subs in english for fringe , burn notice and the mentalist and they are now perfect subs and timing...sure it took 1 day which is longer than addic7ed but at least they dont act like childs....i am a big fan of addic7ed and if they decide to continue i will continue to suport them..but even without them even if it take longer and even if theres not all series out....the world continue to move and subs still get out...so please....either jsut stop subing and stop playing this game to get attention or whetever it is you want......or just be done with this thign and contineu subbing so that people who really need subs to understand can continue to watch and be grateful to you all that gonna be my last post in this tread because im tired of talkign about this fight honestly...and i think peopel shoudl start acting more mature....anyways have a good day or night depending where you al lare from

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Because punishing loyal users or donaters just dont make any sense.. I understand why addic7ed is angry sure but what can they really do?? all they are effectively doing is punishing the wrong people.

It's not punishment, oh no you have to wait a day for subs because the best sub group on the net is making a point and taking a stand. Support them, stand by them and quit QQing.


I support and stand by Addic7ed and you don't hear me complaining and whining that I'm being punished.
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That question, as you already know, have to be done to their admin.

Sure, np.

Well, not to their admin. I'm asking if this would be good enough for the admins of this site. If it is, the next step it'll be ask the subtitulos' admin why he doesn't provide such a simple solution.

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'Kerensky' wrote:
You know you're saying that you don't care about quality at all, right?

Hi, Kerensky. Not at all. I do care, but there must be some equilibrium between
"quality" and "speed" of translation. For example, I think is surrealistic for
we -spanish speaking people- to wait a whole week for a "quality subtitles" to
see "Dexter", one week later or even two. I could wait forever a subtitle for
a good movie, perhaps, but that spirit doesn't apply to a weekly show, at least
in my opinion.

I don't want them perfect, I wan't them legible, understandable... and fast.

Both Addic73d and Subtitulos.es (each one in its own field) accomplish this

But, I repeat, today subtitulos.es did the job and very good indeed! And
Addic7ed was closed. So, I repeat again: nobody is indispensable. I still
believe that we are dealing here with a sort of "private war".

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 I don't see concrete links or references to the problems given by any side, if someone wants to stay objective, he/she has no place in this tantrum drama. So bye bye XD

Seeing this in a positive way, I will watch shows with other subtitles that may not have same quality but I will probably improve my english listening a bit, so thanks o.o

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'Kerensky' wrote:
You know you're saying that you don't care about quality at all, right?

Hi, Kerensky. Not at all. I do care, but there must be some equilibrium between
"quality" and "speed" of translation. For example, I think is surrealistic for
we -spanish speaking people- to wait a whole week for a "quality subtitles" to
see "Dexter", one week later or even two. I could wait forever a subtitle for
a good movie, perhaps, but that spirit doesn't apply to a weekly show, at least
in my opinion.

I don't want them perfect, I wan't them legible, understandable... and fast.

Both Addic73d and Subtitulos.es (each one in its own field) accomplish this

But, I repeat, today subtitulos.es did the job and very good indeed! And
Addic7ed was closed. So, I repeat again: nobody is indispensable. I still
believe that we are dealing here with a sort of "private war".

No one said they (Addic7ed) were indispensable. But like you just said yourself it took them (Subtitulos) a whole day to release the subs whereas Addic7ed puts them out in a matter of hours after the episode airs live. You've just reinforced the fact that subtitulos relies on the subs from Addic7ed in order to get their versions released as quickly as they do. With Addic7ed's source subtitulos released in hours, without Addic7ed it takes 24 hours or more (as some are still missing from yesterday on their site).

The point is, if you are going to use another sites work to release a version of your own, then the site needs to moderate and make sure that submissions are not allowed that remove credit to the original source. It's a slap in the face to the people who worked hard to release the original subtitle as quickly as possible.
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No one said they (Addic7ed) were indispensable. But like you just said yourself it took them (Subtitulos) a whole day to release the subs whereas Addic7ed puts them out in a matter of hours after the episode airs live. You've just reinforced the fact that subtitulos relies on the subs from Addic7ed in order to get their versions released as quickly as they do. With Addic7ed's source subtitulos released in hours, without Addic7ed it takes 24 hours or more (as some are still missing from yesterday on their site).

The point is, if you are going to use another sites work to release a version of your own, then the site needs to moderate and make sure that submissions are not allowed that remove credit to the original source. It's a slap in the face to the people who worked hard to release the original subtitle as quickly as possible.

I'm confused. Did you take the time to read my post? Please do it.

- Subtitulos.es finishes a sub in less than two hours.
- Today (and probably tomorrow, too) they got the english sources without problem.

I'm aware that english is not my mother tongue, but I think that I clearly made a point.
So, again, please read my post. It's crystal clear, although it might contain too many ideas.

And ever more: Please read my former posts at precedent page 23!!!!

(Otherwise, it's a deaf conversation, Kerviel)
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Not too long ago within another community I withheld the fruits of my labour and had to realize that my massive investment of time wasn't appreciated. I went to inordinate lengths to take my stand. Didn't accomplish what I wanted though. You can't force strangers to do your bidding in exchange for free fish. These kind of experiences are all over the web, take a hint and get over it. 

"Taking a stand!", forcing people to get involved by withholding your offering is not the proper course of action, you're jeopardizing a lot of good will, coupled with the frequent downs of the website this "strike" damages you more than subtitulos.es. 

They deliver, what you've accomplished: they're now in my bookmarks.

Plagiarism is something you do have to come to terms with, it'll never stop, you can roll over and die it won't affect the people not crediting you. What you can do is continue to shine through example, eventually, in theory you'll come out on top, being *the original*.

I know how hurtful it is to be treated like spam, though you do have to realize that freezing your own site in response,is punishing your users more than subtitulous.es. I imagine if this kind of impasse continues a lot of your translators will be looking for alternative publishers, weakening your project, sating a bruised ego.

Remember why you started doing this, I don't know, was it for the money, the people or your ego? 

After seeing some remarks by certain Admins, scathing and derogatory, I feel it might be time for you to stop if you were in it out of goodwill.

I'm very glad I never donated, the perks are laughable.

I am hearing impaired, but still am able to watch and listen to english shows and audiobooks, but with the american tendency to not pronounce I do appreciate subtitles, no need for my hearing aids. Thanks for the fish.

A disgruntled user of your site.

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Not too long ago within another community I withheld the fruits of my labour and had to realize that my massive investment of time wasn't appreciated. I went to inordinate lengths to take my stand. Didn't accomplish what I wanted though. You can't force strangers to do your bidding in exchange for free fish. These kind of experiences are all over the web, take a hint and get over it. 

"Taking a stand!", forcing people to get involved by withholding your offering is not the proper course of action, you're jeopardizing a lot of good will, coupled with the frequent downs of the website this "strike" damages you more than subtitulos.es. 

They deliver, what you've accomplished: they're now in my bookmarks.

Plagiarism is something you do have to come to terms with, it'll never stop, you can roll over and die it won't affect the people not crediting you. What you can do is continue to shine through example, eventually, in theory you'll come out on top, being *the original*.

I know how hurtful it is to be treated like spam, though you do have to realize that freezing your own site in response,is punishing your users more than subtitulous.es. I imagine if this kind of impasse continues a lot of your translators will be looking for alternative publishers, weakening your project, sating a bruised ego.

Remember why you started doing this, I don't know, was it for the money, the people or your ego? 

After seeing some remarks by certain Admins, scathing and derogatory, I feel it might be time for you to stop if you were in it out of goodwill.

I'm very glad I never donated, the perks are laughable.

I am hearing impaired, but still am able to watch and listen to english shows and audiobooks, but with the american tendency to not pronounce I do appreciate subtitles, no need for my hearing aids. Thanks for the fish.

A disgruntled user of your site.

Ok so you contributed to a site, got upset, did etc and realized it didn't really grant the results you want. Gotcha.

You don't contribute here, you don't donate, and yet you are a disgruntled user (aka leech) of the site now. So someone should care that you are disgruntled now?
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