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Hi ! French Downton Abbey !


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Hi everyone! Salut tout le monde !

I'm a newbie here and a lover of punctuation and typography. I've been interested in translating subtitles for a long time but never jumped on the bandwagon as it seemed to me (at the time) to be an extremely codified and rather daunting science to master. But since I've been downloading subtitles in french for some of my friends, I was extremely frustrated by not only the approximative translation, but also by the numerous typos and wrong punctuations that can be found on those french subtitles.

So since last week, I dived into addic7ed.com and began correcting or joining translations in french. I must say that i'm quite delighted because it is exciting to be part of a collaborative work. I exclusively work on Downton Abbey translation. Not sure if I'll join other series but who knows... :)

There is some confusion though, is sub-talk the official forum for addic7ed.com? I don't really understand as i'm a newbie... :mellow:

I hope to interact with you all soon!

Cheers and thanks!



Salut tout le monde !

Comme la ponctuation, la grammaire et l'orthotypographie liées à l'image m'intéressent beaucoup, j'ai longuement été intrigué par le travail de sous-titrage. Mais la crainte que cet exercice soit fortement codifié a fait que je ne m'y suis jamais lancé. C'est en téléchargeant des sous-titres via addic7ed.com en français pour des amis qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais que j'ai pu remarquer les nombreuses fautes parsemées ici et là. C'est donc ainsi que j'ai décidé de me lancer :)

J'ai commencé à utiliser activement mon compte sur addic7ed.com il y a une semaine et depuis, je traduis ou corrige les sous-titres de Downton Abbey. Je ne sais pas si je ferai d'autres séries, mais on verra... !

Je ne maîtrise pas encore tout de ce nouveau milieu et de ce site. Notamment, est-ce que sub-talk fait office de forum officiel d'addic7ed.com ?

À bientôt ! Merci à tous. :)

Taytoy !

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Welcome and thank you for your work as corrector.

May I suggest you something?
This section is, as its name said, for introduction in addic7s comunity.
I saw you already post these "Règles de vouvoiement" into the French subforum, so, edit this post in order to remove these rules and let the post as is intended to be: an introduction of yourself.
Thank you.




The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!





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I posted this before noticing the french sub-section ! And didn't even know I could edit my post!


To make my introduction more specific, I'm an art director and actually have my own company of communication. Working from graphic design, web design, event and architecture  ;)


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