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Subtitles Stopped


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Because of some unfortunate events we are stopping our releases.

Our reasons are the users from a Spanish mediocre site (subtitulos.es) stealing and removing credits from our subtitles,
rudely copy pasting our translations to their site and their admin who never answered any of our questions and requests,
even more, he banned us from their site and forum when asking for the users that removed the credits to be warned.

We regret that so many of you will be unable to enjoy your favorite shows, but trust us,
it got to a point when we have tried everything to rationally solve the issue and got no reply from their admin.

They must understand they depend on us and that without our subtitles. Because the few that they'll be able
to get from the Chinese sites that also release English subtitles, will not compare in neither quantity nor quality
with what we provide.

E-mail him asking to take a decision at info@subtitulos.es
because until he answers for his and his users' actions, we will stop releasing the subtitles.

Debido a ciertos desafortunados eventos, no vamos a publicar más subtítulos.
Esto se debe a que en la mediocre página: subtitulos.es, sistemáticamente roban y cambian los créditos de nuestros subtítulos, copian nuestras traducciones y las pegan en las suyas y el administrador de dicha página nunca ha contestado a nuestras preguntas y quejas, incluso nos ha baneado de su página y de su foro cuando le hemos pedido que corrija dicho comportamiento. Sentimos profundamente que muchos de vosotros dejéis de disfrutar de vuestras series favoritas, pero creédnos, hemos llegado a este punto tras intentar de todo para solucionar este problema de manera racional sin obtener nunca una respuesta por parte de su administrador.

Deben de entender que ellos dependen de nosotros, y que sin nuestros subtítulos, los pocos que podrán conseguir de los chinos, no tienen comparación con los que proporcionamos.

Os instamos a que enviéis correos electrónicos pidiéndole que tome una decisión a: info@subtitulos.es, porque hasta que conteste por sus acciones y las de sus usuarios, no vamos a publicar más subtítulos.

À cause de malheureux évènements, nous arrêtons de sortir les sous-titres.

Des utilisateurs d'un site espagnol de qualité médiocre (subtitulos.es) volent nos sous-titres et enlèvent les crédits, se contentant de copier/coller nos traductions pour leurs propres bénéfices. L'admin du site n'a jamais répondu à aucune de nos questions ou requêtes, et même, nous a banni de leur site et forum quand nous avons demandé aux utilisateurs qui avaient enlevés les crédits d'être avertis.

Nous regrettons que beaucoup d'entre vous ne puissent ainsi avoir accès à leurs séries, mais croyez-nous, c'en est arrivé à un point où nous avons tout essayé pour résoudre ce problème posément, mais nous n'avons reçu aucune réponse.

Ils doivent comprendre que leur site dépend du nôtre et que sans nos sous-titres, le peu qu'ils seraient en mesure d'avoir des chinois, ne pourrait même pas être comparés aux nôtres, tant leur qualité est mauvaise.

Envoyez-lui un e-mail à info@subtitulos.es, sans ça, nous ne reprendrons pas notre activité tant qu'il n'aura pas répondu de ses actions et de celles de ses utilisateurs.
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Well, can't say it pleases me, but I do understand... Maybe you could only stop spanish subtitles ? (Not that I think you'll do that, but question's worth a try ^^)
Hope you'll get back on tracks soon. Meanwhile, e-mailing the spanish website ; they better speak english !


I like to dissect girls. Did you know I'm utterly insane ?

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soory to squat the topic, here's what i wrote them for eventual pasting :


I'm regular user of subtitles web site Addic7ed.com and it was brought to my attention that you used theirs removing credit and all Addic7ed mention.
As you may know, they have decided to stop the release of new subs, and are probably going to shut down all access.

I strougly recommend you to make contact with them, and find a mutually beneficial compromise.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

a simple tv-shows enthusiast

Addic7ed RUUUUULES !
check my band : Thou, Ill Mace Horn ! and tell me what you think.

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Subtitulos's admin first comment is

"An official message is being written, dont give publicity to those people who only want to damage this community" - when a user posted our message to their forum.

We? We damage their community? Pff.



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Totally understandable. The very least they can do is leave untouched the credit of a work the do NOT do.

I hope they come into their senses, and realize their attitude is childish, absurd and VERY disrespectful with the work the people in Addic7ed do. I think it's not too much to ask.

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Hi, i just want to give you our support from prijevodi-online.org site. We have huge base of subtitles for TV-shows in ex-Yugoslavian languages, and you are our valuable source of english subtitles. We are also fighting against stealing, and we know how are you feel in this moment. Cheers!
Sorry if i had some grammar errors. :)

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This is unfortunate. A lot of us, especially those who are hearing impaired reply heavily on your subtitles. What they did is despicable but how about stop the spanish subtitles... That way they can't steal it and you don't have to shut down the website entirely. In the meantime, all users here should email him to let him know without Addic7ed, he has no source to steal to begin with.

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I don't think you all know how serious this is.

I used to translate years agoi, on wikisubtitles. When that dissappeared, some new were created. The 2 most important were addic7ed and wikitle. Most of the users came to addic7ed, but the spanish-speaking ones went to wikitle. Everything was fine.

One day subtitulos.es was created, and that same day both addic7ed and wikitle appeared damaged, with some html code or something. Theres no proof about anything, but weird huh? After that episode, wikitle ended shutting their page down.
subtitulos got all the spanish-latin american users.

I've been for over a year translating there. I had to fight almost everyday with people who did really bad translations, people who posted spoilers of the shows on the comments of each episode and tons of shitty things like that. I wrote to gabriel, the administrator, several times, asking him more control. He never cared.

We also offered him help, because hi is the only moderator there and its impossible to control that if youre just one person. He never answered.

I got tired of all that bullshit, so I came to addic7ed. I kept seeing people complaining about that page, so I asked why wouldnt they come to addic7ed. Last month, some of their best translators came to our site :D It seems their administrator freaked out. He started to do some weird things.

First, they kept our translations on their site, till they finished theirs, and then he deleted ours.
That was so ugly, so he stopped doing it, but, his users, started to copy line by line our translations. He knows that, but he just lets them do it. (CSI, Fringe, House, Sons of Anarchy...)
He has forbidden to name addic7ed in any way on his site, and now some of our subs are with our credits deleted.
They also started saying that we steal our subtitles from somewhere else, and lies like that.

Last week i saw some user copying our translation, he said he was correcting theirs, but what he was really doing was copying ours line by line. I posted 3 message on that house's espisode (because stupdly, the comments length is limited).

The first one was asking him to stop doing that. That message was deleted.

The second message was explaining why some users left that page and came to addic7ed, that was deleted too.

The third message was explaining what addic7ed does with the money they get, there's a post on this forum explaining it. So i compared that to what subtitulos' administrator does. That page has more visits and more adds than ours, so he must be getting more money that doesnt spend on the site. After I posted that I got banned.

It's incredible, that site is working thanks to us, our english subs, and thanks to the translators. He doesnt care about any of them. He never did anything to make their translators' work easier, he wont say thanks to us... Nothing.

He also said we sent some trolls to his site to damage it, which is not true.

Im sure im missing more things. All this issue comes from long ago, but the last couple of weeks has become too ugly. We had to do something...

If we only stop our spanish subtitles, they'll keep stealing the english ones...
This would have never happened, first, if he had controlled his site, and second, if he hadn't forbbiden to name addic7ed in any way.

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This is horrible news. I'm another user who is hearing impaired and frankly, I've come to rely on Addic7ed. Since the advent of Digital TV and HDMI (which doesn't carry closed caption signals at all), the captions on cable are often worse than they were with analog TV.

I do understand Addic7ed's position but hope you'll reconsider stopping all together. It's a shame the Spanish site mentioned steals credit for the hard work done here. I will send them an email as well. Perhaps someone at addic7ed can write an message pointing out what they feel needs to be done and users can then send the same message to that address? It might even help more to have Spanish language users send it in their native language.

Thank you addic7ed for all your hard work.

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Trust me, we tried talking to subtitulos but they won`t get it.
Thing is, Gabriel (subtitulos.es admin) keeps saying that "the users" are to blame.. but we already said to him he should talk to his users and teach his users not to steal.

When honeybunny said that again today, he banned her and deleted her forum post.
There are some people you just can`t talk to.

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Changing the world. One subtitle at a time.

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I'm new here and I just wanna say that I'm astonished. I used to download a lot of subtitles from subtitulos.es; but I didn't know any of this.
Lately there are too many troubles between spanish and latin-american user because of traslations but I never though that they were stealing subtitles from here.
I'm spanish and my english isn't very good (I understand it better than I speak it) but, if I can do anything to help (beside the email to the web admin), I'm glad to try to help.

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I just sent the following email to them:

"As someone who is deaf, I've come to rely on subtitles to watch some of my favorite TV shows. Now addic7ed.com has announced they will no longer release subs due to users on your site stealing their subs and removing all credit for them. Then passing them off as their own. Users stealing their work is going to end up hurting us all, especially those of us who can't hear to watch TV without subtitles.

I'm not casting blame to you. I would simply encourage you to please email addic7ed.com and try to come to some understanding with them in order to keep sub releases coming.

Thank you"

I hope I covered what's at issue here?
I did get an immediate reply. Whether it's a form letter or what, I don't know but they deny their users are stealing subs. Part of it reads: "Just use the search box in Subtitulos.es with the name of that website that is now triying to harm our community and you will see hundreds of results with their subtitles properly credit."

It does on to say I shouldn't trust anyone's words without checking the information for myself.

I guess I really don't understand all the issues at work here. I just hope this can be sorted out. It will be a real shame if addic7ed.com goes away.

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Yeah, I think he replies to all the emails copy pasting what he said here: http://www.foroseries.com/grupos-de-traduccion/479-i-may-have-gone-too-far.html

It was obvious he was gonna deny everything. http://www.subtitulos.es/criminal-minds/6x09 check this one with view and edit. it's the one elderman posted today. No credits whatsoever.



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Yeah, I think he replies to all the emails copy pasting what he said here: http://www.foroserie...ne-too-far.html

It was obvious he was gonna deny everything. http://www.subtitulo...inal-minds/6x09 check this one with view and edit. it's the one elderman posted today. No credits whatsoever.

Hi! I just download this subtitle and if you look at the file ''spanish(spain)'' you can see the credit to addic7ed:
'' subido por gezuz hace 1 horas Los de Addic7ed, traduccion de ilse y menoyos, a ellos, muchas gracias''
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